• webghost0101@sopuli.xyz
    8 months ago

    How much money do i need to start investing?

    With my current salary and excluding all expenses i am projected to maybe have earned 1 million by the time i retire. Obviously i need money to live so the chance i will ever have a capital of a few hunderd thousand is frankly completely unrealistic irl.

    In the meme, if i take 20000 breaths a day (which is average for a healthy person and i have very lungs) i will have obtained over a million in 3 years. Thats more money anyone needs.

    I wont have spend much of it because id still have my job as i rather enjoy it. And i earn enough to save regularly. Thats also why i refuse to even considering a promotion.

    The way i see it a million is more then plenty to start investing. Do all the stuff you would want to do so the o get bigger numbers. And i still be gething more. After 10 years of breathing il have 4 times all the money i will ever earn in my realistic real life.

    Whatever emergency might happen that i still somehow couldn’t afford then are all things i would never be Able to afford in real life. And none of those emergencies actually exist for me because i have access to really good and free socialized healthcare.

    Money is evil and the worst drugs humans have ever created. In fact i dont want to give money to charity rather i want to join charity and help them do stuff other then collecting money. But i dp rationalize than in this world charity cannot operate without. And if i am going to accumulate free money by Breathing the only way i can stay ethical is by giving it away.

    Is it that bizar to meet someone who is happy to be content?