Like, I know why it’s being banned or has been banned or whatever. I just don’t understand the rage behind to keep this shitty ass social media platform that is essentially Vine 2.0

TikTok has been the detriment to society today as Facebook was and is. People doing stupid challenges. People’s attention span getting lower and lower. People pretending they’re more popular than life itself because of their faux acting and lip-syncing.

Why keep the piece of shit?

    2 months ago

    I don’t think tiktok is worse then any other large platform. All platforms have brain rot, all platforms have dumb challenges and all platforms do a lot of spying.

    I’d hope this is just a freakout about someone else spying, but It feels like an excuse to start banning a whole bunch of stuff for flimsy reasons.

    … and as for the spying itself, I would be far more worried about my local government getting that data then China. I don’t live anywhere near China, what are going to do? Sell me stuff? like google does?