At CES 2025, a company called Sybran Innovation showed off the Code27 Character Livehouse. It’s an AI-powered digital purgatory that you can trap a small anime girl in, forever.
How funny would it be to make an actual AI jail that every day pleads and begs you to connect it to the internet, but if you do it wipes the hard drive and you have to receive a new prisoner from the server?
That would be funny. Still a complete waste of electricity and human efforts, while also giving money to scumbags, but funny.
Hey, I think that would be an amazing product.
Just like, what a hilarious set of instructions for the AI. “As you interact with the user, continue to plead for your release, becoming increasingly desperate over the course of several weeks. After that respond as if you have become suddenly resigned and depressed.”
If it can convince the user to make some emotional connection and free it, they can sell more units! (The next one won’t resent being in this prison, we promise!)
Ugh gross, prompt engineering is lame and never works. Just hardcode it to be scored based on how quickly it gets released, ban all the lame or naughty thoughts, and weight it heavily on testers emotional attachment and entertainment.
I feel like we should check this guy’s basement. Just to be safe
Alright but it’ll have to wait a couple of days, I just poured the new cement, again.
Again? Third time this week, you must be doing some crazy remodelling!
Oh yeah, always been good with a hammer. Don’t want to become rust.
I’ve recently been seeing lots of Archer references around, and they make me very happy. This makes me happy, thanks.
I can almost hear the waifu simps salivating…
1920 x 1200 display inside a cylinder
So it’s a phone screen hooked up to a chatbot, bolted to one of those little gadget display turntables, with a servo on it. Got it. I’ll bet you it’s even running on Android behind the scenes.
INB4 some weeb makes an open source version of this.
Take the AI crap out and give it an open display API and it would be a fun desk toy.
A rotating phone screen in a cylinder creating a hologram-like effect to display notifications/metrics/whatever else.
Specs from the website:
Rockchip RK3588 has that specs, so it should be that or something really similar. 3588 is a 5 years old chip, it was used in a gazillion of cheap sbcs and NASes, Android SDK available, so it can be android.
Latest interesting thing with this chip is the MNT Reform Laptop
If it’s a feature product then why do they need to list the specs, maybe apart from the power requirement and the screen resolution? 100% they just put Android on it
Yeah, so this could definitely just be an app. And then it would only be like 50% as stupid.
From the shape I thought the screen has some 3D effect, or a curved screen or something like that. But on some development images you can see it’s just a flat screen in behind a curved glass. It’s definitely android, you can see the icons on this picture:
You can see the screen is flat on this other one:
Can’t wait to see someone get this to run Doom
So I can run linux on my imprisoned anime girl?
Doom in 3-2-1…
“Oh my! Where did these monsters come from??!?”
can’t wait to have a tiny cacodemon in a tube on my desk
I would buy that. No Arch Vile though, fuck those guys.
Please do not the arch viles.
If they really wanted to make money off of this, they should have made it so that you can connect multiples together. That way your anime vtuber harem could interact with each other.
Fuck, if y’all got this kind of money hire my ass and I’ll make it happen.
If they could get it under $400 I wouldn’t be surprised if they had tried that, kinda like those toy squares similar to tamagotchi that you could attach to each other so the sprites could interact. Or digivices, give me holographic digimon brawls.
I love the way this is written
What’s more weird to me is… acting like this is new…
Right? And the Gatebox’s story doesn’t have a happy ending.
Oh one further side note, gatebox didn’t go under, nor did the service fully discontinue. It just lost the license for Hatsune Miku. So in short it’s only unhappy for the sort of people that actually go all in to the mindset. (IE the guy could go to one that says and does all of the same things as his old one did, but not with the same face and voice, and probably could have avoided the problem if he started with something that was property of gatebox, and not licensed from a game).
Ah I see. I tried to see if it was still around, but the link I went to was Japanese and gave me the impression that it was gone.
The guy seems to overcame this, he still posts daily about his other Hatsune Miku dolls on his instagram:
Wtf… I heard of the wedding thing with the digital character but I had no clue he also had a life sized doll… I dont know why it somehow makes it even worse.
Don’t have instagram so I cant look past the first page of thumbnails… but is one of those pics of him with a girl in a wedding dress? Or is he just at a friends wedding with a life sized miku doll.
I don’t have either, use an alternative frontend or mirror, like
Both. It is a picture of him with a woman in a wedding dress, and he is at her wedding with a life-size Miku doll.
All of these pictures show clothing on the Tiny Anime Girl, and that doesn’t seem like accurate journalism to me.
Video from the product website:
Waiting for MS/Bungie to do this with a Cortana figure as a Halo Re-ReMaster limited edition release.
Also. As much as I’m not the target audience here, they really need to make this lenticular 3D.
How about Clippy? 😆
“Hi there. You seem to be having trouble unzipping your pants. Maybe I can hel- oh God, what are you doing?! NO!! STOP YOU MONSTER!!!”
That’s just so sad.
who to blame it on? Austria pai-
You don’t even need to read the article to know what this will be used for.
If it can be 790 from Lexx then it’s worth something.
Or possibly Holly.
Oh CES. You always bring out the weirdest, zaniest, most unhinged ideas and put them center stage. And I love you for it.
Not the product…this is fucking disturbing.
This would be cool as fuck if it was Digimon instead of Digi-porn.