I don’t think they’re making that claim, just that Trump is easy to manipulate and buy off for anyone with the means. Everything is negotiable with him.
My own thought is that the wealthy corpos absolutely can and do purchase US politicians, but some of them have some philosophical guardrails that preclude stepping over certain issues. That number, however, seems to be shrinking the longer we have politicians who are allowed to get fat off of the people.
Which ones would say it does? Is Biden in your view as corrupt as Trump in that he can and has been bought for practically anyone that appeals to his ego and wallet?
Which one was being prosecuted for stealing and selling classified data before the judge he owned threw out the case?
Which one is being sentenced for felonies on Friday?
Which one held a private meeting with Russian spies while in office, then immediately asked for a list of informants, followed a few weeks later by a bunch of informants regarding Russian interests suddenly being killed?
Love that Blue MAGA always makes sure to qualify it with “prosecuted” and “sentenced.” As if Biden is somehow better for getting away with his crimes. Really shows the level y’all are operating at.
There’s corrupt and then there’s treasonous. Lots of politicians do shady things. Not many literally sell nuclear secrets to our enemies or provide hit lists of our foreign assets.
Equally? None of them to Trump’s degree, by my assessment.
But then, we’re quibbling over degree of terribleness here. I’m not exactly a fan of most politicians or how they have been governing for the last 30 years, so I’m not at all saying things are rosy on the other side.
Could probably count on one or two hands the number congresspeople that can’t be bought.
I’m talking about Senator Mitt Romney, as in the guy that voted to impeach Trump over Jan 6. He changed quite a bit after losing the 2012 election. In fact, there are a lot of people in Utah that think he’s a RINO, yet he didn’t waver whatsoever in that conviction. He wasn’t the best congressman ever, but he had integrity over that term and was way better than the man he replaced and his partner (Mike Lee) in the Senate.
We’re talking about being bought (i.e. integrity), not the quality of their positions. Mitt Romney couldn’t be bought IMO, at least as Senator, he was rich going in and only seemed to want to run because he disliked how corrupt the previous Senator was.
As opposed to all of our previous presidents, who refused to be bought by corporate corruption? LoL.
But we beat big pharma…
Oh yeah? Hahaha. When was this? Didn’t hear the news about free insulin.
I don’t think they’re making that claim, just that Trump is easy to manipulate and buy off for anyone with the means. Everything is negotiable with him.
My own thought is that the wealthy corpos absolutely can and do purchase US politicians, but some of them have some philosophical guardrails that preclude stepping over certain issues. That number, however, seems to be shrinking the longer we have politicians who are allowed to get fat off of the people.
K. Which president does that not equally apply to? Could probably count on one or two hands the number congresspeople that can’t be bought.
Which ones would say it does? Is Biden in your view as corrupt as Trump in that he can and has been bought for practically anyone that appeals to his ego and wallet?
Yes, I believe Biden and Trump to be about as equally corrupt.
And Xi genocided the uyghurs. Don’t support that regime either, k?
This is laughable
Not if you’ve been paying attention. But if all you watch is propaganda, it might catch you by surprise.
I’ve been paying attention to the locker room talk.
One dude is scum, the other is boring.
You know they both support genocide? Literally the worst possible crime a human can commit.
Which one was being prosecuted for stealing and selling classified data before the judge he owned threw out the case?
Which one is being sentenced for felonies on Friday?
Which one held a private meeting with Russian spies while in office, then immediately asked for a list of informants, followed a few weeks later by a bunch of informants regarding Russian interests suddenly being killed?
Trump is a treasonous monster.
Yes, Trump is also corrupt.
Love that Blue MAGA always makes sure to qualify it with “prosecuted” and “sentenced.” As if Biden is somehow better for getting away with his crimes. Really shows the level y’all are operating at.
There’s corrupt and then there’s treasonous. Lots of politicians do shady things. Not many literally sell nuclear secrets to our enemies or provide hit lists of our foreign assets.
One is worse than the other.
Biden provided billions in aid to Nazis and Zionists, and provided intelligence to Israel on which civilians and aid workers to kill.
You have completely lost perspective to the Blue MAGA cult.
It must be peaceful choosing to be this ignorant
How is being more aware of the crimes of US presidents “ignorance”?
Equally? None of them to Trump’s degree, by my assessment.
But then, we’re quibbling over degree of terribleness here. I’m not exactly a fan of most politicians or how they have been governing for the last 30 years, so I’m not at all saying things are rosy on the other side.
And one of them just retired (Mitt Romney).
LoL. Fucking Mitt Romney? The “corporations are people,” vulture capitalist?
I’m talking about Senator Mitt Romney, as in the guy that voted to impeach Trump over Jan 6. He changed quite a bit after losing the 2012 election. In fact, there are a lot of people in Utah that think he’s a RINO, yet he didn’t waver whatsoever in that conviction. He wasn’t the best congressman ever, but he had integrity over that term and was way better than the man he replaced and his partner (Mike Lee) in the Senate.
Ahh. So just Trump Derangement Syndrome. Forgiving these crooks for any and all crimes, so long as they oppose Trump. Madness.
We’re talking about being bought (i.e. integrity), not the quality of their positions. Mitt Romney couldn’t be bought IMO, at least as Senator, he was rich going in and only seemed to want to run because he disliked how corrupt the previous Senator was.
Ahh. So he was serving his own interests, not those of people who bought him, and this is an improvement?