Today I went to burger king for the first time in years. It was even worse than I remembered it. (had the vegetarian option, don’t know if it’s as bad with the meat burgers) Additionally it’s fucking expensive and not as quick as it used to be. So my question is why do some people go there regulary?
When did I ever say there was no opportunity cost? Show me.
$50/hr at work and eating fast food everyday? Is that what you think is happening? You think the average person doing this is pulling down almost 100k a year? Christ how out of touch are you?
I was trying to say the cost savings of packing lunches is not absolute, and is dependent on the opportunity cost a person places on time spent at home cooking.
But I see now that you are just incapable of the critical thought necessary to deduce meaning beyond the concrete text placed in front of your eyes
Who said it was absolute? Who said anything like that? When did anyone disagree with that claim or say otherwise?
It’s not my fault you consider tilting at windmills a substitute for responding to people’s points. I try to keep on topic and give people the most generous interpretation of their arguments. You are just being myopic for sport.