My cat has a new obsession: sticking his head out of the cat flap, seeing that it’s raining, staying still, coming back in, meowing at me like “Daaad, it’s raining” and starting the cycle again.

    2 months ago

    My cat has a new obsession: sticking his head out of the cat flap, seeing that it’s raining, staying still, coming back in, meowing at me like “Daaad, it’s raining” and starting the cycle again.

    My cat does this, except he goes all the way out, stands under the one leaky bit of the guttering 3 stories up, comes in soaked, yells until you dry him off and repeats. It’s gotten to the point we just lock him in if it’s raining. That way he yells about being imprisoned for a few minutes then goes and has a nap until the next meal time.