Shouldn’t there be some sort of baseline of sanity for community moderators? This dude is straight up pushing non-stop propaganda of his flavoring and deletes anything that he doesn’t like of the mod log is very transparent and if that’s not power tripping I don’t know what is.
I almost never seen any moderates being called a Tankie. Only when they end up making apologies for said examples, or more recently for various terrorist groups like hamas. Granted, I’m just left leaning and stay out of economic philosophies but I’ve clashed a lot in political topics with the definitely Tankie heavy user base on here.
Moderates? you mean centrists? Leftists shouldn’t be moderate. A moderate leftist is a neo liberal and a neo liberal is a right leaning centrist pretending to be a leftist.
Also hamas inst a terrorist group its a liberstion resistance group. Israel was literally born of terrorism and nothing resembling radical islamic terrorism existed till the 1960’s before then from 1899 till 1948 we had the irgun hagannah palmach and lehi waging a campaign of terror responsible for dozens of violent attacks and murfering between 6 and 8 thousand Palestinian jews, Christians and muslims as well as british military personnel and other international citizens caught in the crossfire. Zionists are the true terrorists in this conflict. If you dont agree youre not on the left you’re a right leaning centrist making excuses for a settler colonial state guilty of war crimes.
Thanks for proving my point.
Not a fan of bringing up Hamas. They’re not especially relevant, because tankies and real leftists alike both stand united against Israel’s ongoing genocide and long-standing apartheid state. Hamas might use terroristic methods, but their cause is every bit as just as Irish republicans, black South Africans, and 18th century American colonists. Heck, probably more just than that last group, because the worst oppression they faced was a bit more taxes. (And I still think that their cause was just enough to be worth breaking free of the US through violent means.)
Every one of those groups used tactics that would be called terrorism today. And history looks back on them kindly. The smart thing to do is to be on the right side of history today, not wait until it is history. And the bare minimum you can do here is acknowledge that while it might be better if fewer innocent people were killed as a result of their actions, Hamas are, on the whole, the good guys in this scenario. And that, at worst, every action Hamas takes is one caused by Israel’s actions towards the Palestinian people.
I’m sorry but I’ll never look kindly towards Islamists & Jihadists who murder, torture and rape innocent people. There’s absolutely no justification for this, never, and I’ll die on that hill. You can’t call out Israel’s genocide while praising the other side, which wants to do literally the same thing - they just lack the means to do so. Their overlords in Iran show you how their state would look like if they were in power. Hell, Sinwar murdered his own people too, yet he’s the fucking hero?
Calling Hamas the good guys is just tone deaf and straight up deluded, but once more, thanks for proving my point.