Kind of tired watching trash from YT.
Edit: Thanks for all the replies. It’s good to see that there are still gems in YouTube.
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Numberphile, Computerphile, PBS Spacetime, PBS Infinite Series (sad they stopped), Standup Maths, 3Blue1Brown
Alpha Phoenix too, if you like 3b1b
PBS Spacetime (Physics)
Money & Macro (Economics)
Patrick Boyle (Finance)
Perun (Military Analysis)
Veritasium (Physics)
3Blue1Brown (Mathematics)
Asianometry (Semiconductors and Geopolitics)
Engineerguy (Engineering)
RealLifeLore (Geopolitics)
Polymatter (China)
Tantacrul (Music)
Mustard (Aircraft and Trains)
Biolayne (Fitness)
- MinutePhysics
- MinuteEarth
- CGP Grey
- Company Man
- Every Frame a Painting (abandoned)
- Historia Civilis
- Mark Rober
- Now You See It
- Sam O’Nella Academy (semi abandoned, but so good)
- Smithsonian Channel
- Two Minute Papers