As a consequence, have a person’s kids taken away? Or should there be any consequences?


I’m straightforward and don’t want to give any ‘fluff’ So I don’t know how else to ask this question without it sounding rage baity.

This isn’t a gotcha or trap to argue with anyone I feel and believe I can learn something of value from people I disagree with. It is interesting to know why you disagree and what reasons make you feel x y and z about things.

I’m here to listen, not judge or throw around name calling or fight with you. You feel the way you do for whatever reason, and I want to know a little more about why you do and that is it.

I would like for everyone to feel confident voicing how they feel about this question. I don’t care if I disagree with you. Fighting with you is not how I’d like to spend my evening. I’m sure you don’t either.

I might ask follow ups like, “Why is it that you feel that way?” Or “can you tell me a little bit more” so I can understand your point of view better. And that’s it.

If that feels too much or you don’t want to. Totally fine. Just ignore my comment to you.

Thanks for your time.

    8 months ago

    I think a lot of people in the comments don’t know what “transitioning” actually means. The most basic and common meaning is that it is the act of changing how you present to the world. It can include clothes, makeup, play activities, names, haircuts - all of those external markers we as a society treat as gendered. Conservatives are pulling off the exact same thing they did with the satanic panic, the red scare, and other artificially constructed crises. Allowing your child to transition means allowing them to present in a way that matches their self-identity. Most of the rest of their hysteria is driven by Chick Tract level bullshit.

    Different studies show different statistics, but in general between a quarter and a third of all trans persons get surgery at all. It is much more common among trans men than trans women, with the most common operation being gender conforming mastectomy. The reason should be obvious - it is far harder to present as a man if you have breasts that show through your clothing. Trans men with smaller breasts will often opt to simply wear a binder, which is basically an article of clothing that compresses the breasts to make them less noticeable. That obviously includes young people.

    So when you’re arguing against “letting a child choose their gender” (they’re not choosing it, they’re expressing it just like every other single child does), that’s pretty much what you’re arguing against. You’re arguing that “Boys can’twear dresses” and supporting laws to that effect.

    We’ve had those laws already, until we realized that they do society no good and are needlessly cruel, so we got rid of them.