Rules: explain why
Ready player one.
That has to be one of the cringiest movies I’ve seen, is tries so hard, too hard with it’s “WE LOVE YOU NERD, YOU’RE SO COOL FOR PLAYING GAMES AND GETTING THIS 80S REFERENCE” message and the whole “corporation bad, the people good” narrative seems written for toddlers… The fan service feels cheap and adds nothing to the story.
Finally, they trying to make the people believe that very attractive girl with a barely visible red tint spot on her face is “ugly”… Like wtf?
Yet it received decent reviews plus being one of the most successful movies of that year.
Didn’t even watch Ready Player One the movie because the audiobook was just as cringey, and it was read by Wil Wheaton of all people. I like his work with boardgaming (tabletop), but something about his voice just so well represented the blatant fan service-ness of the whole thing, I hated every minute of it.
As for popular movies that I hated? I don’t feel THAT strongly about it, but I was just kind of meh on Sonic 3. I wasn’t even expecting a masterpiece, but it seems like there’s been enough online hype that made it seem like it was going to be better than expected. It was just whatever. My kids liked it well enough, so I’m probably not the target audience anyways, I’ve played many of the Sonic games, but I’m not nostalgic or a Sonic nerd or anything. It was a sub-par movie with a handful of funny lines.
Pixar style movies. They all rely on the same facial gags and dumbass humor.
The Shawshank Redemption. My boyfriend at the time absolutely loved this film. I can’t stand it. Blokes in prison are so Noble and Misunderstood. They deserve to be free! Bleurgh.
The Vvitch. I thought it started well but the ending was wildly unexpected and made no sense for how the movie set everything up.
It’s kind of interesting how the reasons people dislike things range from “it sucks” to “here is a carefully constructed argument showing why the film’s thesis promotes toxic ideas of etc etc”
Also interesting when someone’s reasons for hating something are someone’s reason for loving it. Like a review says “It’s full of sad gay shit” and one chunk of people are going to boo and the other are going to perk right up.
Kubrick’s version of The Shining. Most likely, I would feel differently had I not read the novel first, but the reduction of the story to a Nicholson-show pisses me off to the point where I cannot enjoy it for what it is. I’d rather endure the over four hours of less brilliant screenplay of the 1997 version.
This thread confirms my theory: For everything universally loved there is a person on the internet that thinks it’s shite.
“Sit down I’ve got a movie Ibwant you to watch. It’s called What’s Eating Gilbert Grape.”
- some dumb wrong people I know
Literally every thor movie OTHER than Thor Ragnarok. They’re just stale and full of lore that I don’t care about, also the older ones are so dark I can’t see anything. Ragnarok is SO funny to me and I was hoping Thor: Love and Thunder (the sequel) would be like that too but it was just too lore heavy for it to really latch onto me :(
Perhaps I just have the brain of a 12 year old that laughs at a guy getting hit in the head with a big rubber ball but like I’m in the movie for a good time, not note taking 😭Ragnarok and Guardians Of The Galaxy feels like fun short story books that’s like 200 pages and has images while the others feel like the 4th book in a series that’s like 500 pages each.
that being said I know hardly nothing about the marvel universe past basic stuff, so it’s probably just me 😅
(also I don’t know box offices, I just know what my peers opinions are on them)The Matrix
I thought it was tedious, self-satisfied nonsense. Some impressive visual effects and a bit of half-baked philosophy did not a good movie make. Everything about it seemed to be focused on being cool, rather than telling a decent story.
The Matrix is great, it has some good explanation of philosophical concepts, yet is action packed and intelligent.
The rest of the trillogy, just meh…
The. rest. of. the. trilogy. is. also. widely. panned…
The matrix is good precisely because they don’t spoon feed everything to you.
Do you mean just the first one or the trilogy as a whole?
I thought the first one stood up far far better on its own rather, many things left unsaid, rather than the rest which tried to fill out the story, and not too well
I mean the first one, as I’ve never seen the others :-)
I get that many people do like it, and that’s all good, but I dislike how it often seems to be verboten to say even the slightest negative thing about the film.
The matrix trilogy is an excellent story. And I cannot agree with you. I’m sure you don’t wanna hear an essay about it though. Everything fits so well and it’s full of significance. The ending of it was brilliant.
They fucked up with that cringe 4th movie though
The first movie was okay, but they dropped the ball on 2 and 3 in my opinion. They weren’t bad but definitely not what I’d consider brilliant.
I enjoyed the 2nd, but 3rd just missed the mark completely.
1st: Yes, let’s explore this rabbit hole
2nd: Let’s explore it some more and progress the story
3rd: same as 2nd but neo becomes wizard Jesus when blind, apparently.
Iirc, the 4th movie was intentionally bad and meant to be a bomb because the wachowski sister that did come back only did so that no one else would touch their story.
Intentionally bad still bad. And a middle finger to the fans, plus stealing their money
The movie literally tells you what it is doing at the start when Neo talks to that CEO person. “We’re making this with or without you.” I didn’t really like it either until it turned into a heist movie halfway through and I got it. She was just taking the piss. It’s not a FU to the fans but to Warner Brothers.
The people paid to see the movie, a good movie
Yeah but did we really expect it to actually be good?
Ironically if you accept it’s a “fuck you” film, like you’ve been invited round to the wachowskis to watch one of the their random side projects it becomes enjoyable again
That’s the only way to enjoy it imo. If you watch it seriously you’ll be like, wtf is this shit. But if you imagine the wachowski being like, look at this bullshit I made them do, it becomes a sort of meta comedy. I am not joking when I say I was in a state of bewilderment before the heist scene. Then I busted out laughing because of how ridiculous it was and the movie became enjoyable.
The irony is the matrix has always been “meta”. Repeatedly breaking out of each paradigm to show you the last one was an illusion. So in a weird way it is a proper sequel, just not in a way that anyone’s going to like.
I didn’t see it, but IMO based on your description the appropriate thing to do would be to make the best movie she could, or to have refused, even if that meant them making it without her. Taking up the offer of making the movie and then deliberately doing a bad job is a giant “fuck you” to everyone who bought tickets.
(If they did make it without her, it might still have been bad or even undermined her intentions with the franchise, but at least her name would be clear. And fans are very good at saying “yeah no we don’t consider these corporate-made extensions of the auteur’s world to be very good. We consider it a separate canon.” Look at Star Wars, or the Dune novels after Frank Herbert’s death, or how people were reacting to Netflix’s Avatar after Mike & Brian left the production even before it released.)
There’s a whole story to this movie. I’m sure someone’s made a 3 hour deep dive into it explaining why she did it and what the studio was doing, but I think she saw the script they were pushing and just couldn’t let them make it. I don’t think the movie is bad bad, it just doesn’t make any gd sense unless you watch it through the lense of this wachowski sister going through transitioning and dealing with the loss of several close people. She’s just slapping random shit together because it made her feel good.
I completely understand why huge matrix fans wouldn’t like it though. They didn’t sign up for a meta commentary on Hollywood and trans people. But as more of these completely shit super hero movies come out the more I can appreciate what she did.
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.
Absolute incompetence start to finish. Low IQ fans go “Woooo! Vader’s a BADASS!” ignoring how it completely fucks up the opening of Star Wars.
I really liked Rogue One, except for the Vader bit. Really unnecessary fan service, which didn’t fit with the rest of the film IMO.
It’s funny, the one thing you specifically called out is the one part of it I did like. The connection to the beginning of A New Hope is great. But I didn’t like pretty much any of the rest of the movie, including the rest of the final sequence. Especially that nonsense with the non-jedi Jedi.
How does it completely fuck up the opening of star wars?
It makes Leia’s bald faced lie that she’s on a diplomatic mission even more audacious.
Drag likes it.
That’s not the same Vader who is revealed in those open moments of Star Wars.
What, did he pop a valium in between movies and mellow out all the sudden?
Genuinely curious. How so?
Vader’s argument with Leia goes out the window if he literally watches them fly away with the Death Star Plans.
Same with the argument on the Death Star when he chokes the guy out… “Bitch, I was in the same hallway with them, I just… didn’t grab them… for… reasons.”
I understand most of this view. Most the movie is pretty bad. I do think it makes a fitting transfer to ANH though.
The only thing it messed with was one line about Bothan spies?
That line was about the second death star from RTJ.
I upvoted you because it’s my favourite star wars film and I’ve never heard anyone dislike it
It get’s a lot of hate, especially from armchair critics. I’m an armchair critic myself, but I truthfully do not understand the hate. Everytime I rewatch Rogue One, I try to find reasons to hate it, but it’s pretty watchable if you ask me. People hate Jin and complain that her character and motivations make no sense, but I disagree. Her decisions are logically consistent with what she learns about her father as the movie progresses.
Anyway, I enjoy it every time I watch it, which is far more than I can say for the vast majority of Star Wars movies and shows produced in the 21st century.
The first time, I walked out. I was dubious when they introduced Cassian by having him straight up murder an innocent person, but when it came time to assassinate a legitimate military target and suddenly he gets all sweaty and, OH! JUST - CAN - NOT - PULL - THE - TRIGGER!
Yeah, I was done. It took me 3 tries to actually finish watching it, it was so bad.
I found out later exactly WHY it was so shitty…
The original writer/director never started with a script. He started with a supercut of scenes from other movies to try and figure out how long each scene should be. So the bit with Jyn arguing with the rebellion? That was the scene from Aliens with Ripley arguing with the corpos, and so on.
"There was no screenplay, there was just a story breakdown at that point, scene by scene. He got me to rip hundreds of movies and basically make ‘Rogue One’ using other films so that they could work out how much dialogue they actually needed in the film.
It’s very simple to have a line [in the script] that reads “Krennic’s shuttle descends to the planet”, now that takes maybe 2-3 seconds in other films, but if you look at any other ‘Star Wars’ film you realise that takes 45 seconds or a minute of screen time. So by making the whole film that way – I used a lot of the ‘Star Wars’ films – but also hundreds of other films too, it gave us a good idea of the timing."
So not starting with the script is problem #1. Problem #2 was just shooting random shit with no purpose. This is why the trailers were full of shots not used in the movie. He called it “Indie Hour” and straight up admits he had no idea why he was doing it:
“I was like, “Oh my god that looked great.” And I was like “Stop stop stop!” and everyone stopped. “This will take 10 seconds, just roll camera”….Then obviously 10 seconds turned into a half hour, and we probably did 17 takes. So that ended and there’s that feeling of, “Well what was that for?” And I was like, “I don’t know, that just felt good.””
So, naturally the original writer/director got bounced out and they had to bring in a new guy to salvage the mess as much as he could, which meant re-writes, re-shoots, etc. Problem #3. His biggest problem was he never liked Star Wars and didn’t feel strongly about it. So, main character murdering an innocent? Meh, no big deal.
“That was my superpower. A) I don’t like ‘Star Wars’—not that I don’t like it, but I’ve never been interested in ‘Star Wars’ ever, so I had no reverence for it whatsoever, I was unafraid about that and they were in such a swamp… they were in so much, terrible, terrible trouble that all you could do was improve their position.”
All star wars for me is bad. Rogue one at least was cool
If you think Ernest Cline’s movie is cringy, wait until you read his poetry. Absolutely one of the worst piece of writing I’ve ever read.
And it only gets worse from there.
Saving Private Ryan
I like Spielberg, but compared to others in the war drama genre like Band of Brothers or Full Metal Jacket, SPR is laughably bad.
The tone of the movie, trying to be more inspirational than realistic, was awkward at best. Acting was pretty mediocre, probably because the script and characters were 1 dimensional.
It completely disregards the historical context of the war. You could watch this movie and learn absolutely nothing about the history of WWII.
Now Band of Brothers. That was some amazing retelling of true war stories. It wasn’t trying to be inspirational. It was just honest about the chaos and brutality of war. That made it harrowing heartbreaking, infuriating, and inspirational all at once.
Pretty much all of the Avengers films.
They aren’t engaging in any way. The characters are unintelligent and full of self importance. The whole franchise is Just loud noises and shark jumping.
With so many a-list actors, they all get different story arcs, and fight for screen time, so there isn’t time to tell a nuanced or interesting story, and when they’re together it’s just an orgy of showing off how cool they are
I find nuggets in them. Iron man 3 had issues, but I was fascinated by the portrayal of Tony stark’s ptsd after the battle of new York. Sure, seeing a bunch of robots is fun, but it’s not really engaging. The intersection of everyday life, mental trauma, and super powers and responsibilities is fascinating to me.
Anime. I just don’t get the appeal.