Lucky for me my parents were both “I didn’t save anything for retirement, my kids will take care of me when I’m older”, so I don’t have to suffer through this.
My mom just wanted to make enough to spend it over her lifetime, and that seems fair to me. She got nothing from her parents and had to support her own mom in her old age, and didn’t want to cost us anything.
I would argue that inheritance is a huge driver of inequality. I have gotten small amounts from the estate of my dad’s parents (my dad died when I was 16) and a childless relative and even those amounts jumped us ahead some, I can imagine what some huge amount unearned would do - but it’s just that. Unearned.
Middle class families passing down inheritance is not a driver of inequality.
A dozen individuals controlling 60% of the wealth in America is.
Inheritance is still inequality in that those receiving it did nothing to deserve it.
Considering that rich boomer parents are almost exclusively fucking terrible, I’d say having to grow up with them makes it more palatable. They may get some money, but they never got love.
They can both be drivers of inequality, but the billionaire bullshit is by far the greater kick in the nuts.
Which is the big unspoken thing here: the only reason millennials/ Gen Z would even care about ‘inheritance’ is because everything has gone so fucking far to shit that it seems the only way to claw out of the hole they’re being shoved into. It’s turned into a lottery wish.
I wholeheartedly agree with that - what we need is not a system of generational wealth being passed down particular families, but an economic system that spreads it out better.
Yeah but how did they get it, and who will get it when they die? It’s like a feedback loop.
Yes… That is their money. They should spend and enjoy it.
They also voted for Bush II’s wars with money borrowed from a generation that couldn’t vote yet.
I’m just thinking about my own experience, but my parents are blue collar Democrats, so no they didn’t. They just worked hard their whole lives and are enjoying their well earned retirement.
Boomers are a large group of people, hence the name, from diversified backgrounds. I believe people are trying to start a generational war where we need a proper class war.
Yah! Refocus!
It’s not their money. It’s rent money they stole from the next generations by being parasites hoarding property as an investment.
And you have the option to do the same, or you don’t, its up to you
You’re right, oblivious rich 20 year old. Everyone can be a landlord.
Oblivious .ml account
I wouldn’t go that far, but I see little evidence that young people deserve it more.
Lemmy seems to be pretty mad about their allowance, basically. It’s weird, usually the vibe is more that everyone else works at a FAANG.
Honestly, my mother, born 1961, received $250K in 2000 when my great grandparents passed. my grandmother, has always bought things for my mom: cars, car repairs, her insurance, grocery shopping, and a few vacations over the years.
My mother has not so much as ever taken me shopping, not even when I was a kid. My other parent, the broke one, bought us everything. My mom, did stretch her inheritance pretty far, but only because her parents helped her out with month to month stuff. It annoys me to no end.
She’s spent the last 15 years convincing my grandmother, her mom, to spend it all. And she has. For me, two generations ago my great grandparents (second Gen immigrant) had accumulated over a million dollars in straight cash.
I’ll get nothing. If my family actually had love there- if my mother actually took care of me and her other children, I wouldn’t be mad, id understand. That’s not how it went down. My mom spent every, has nothing but a new car left now, the last thing my grandmother bought her, the inheritance gone and she’s now a part time babysitter, after not working 30 years. She was on disability too, this whole time, my entire youth, for get this- mental health. I got to therapy every week still to this day to address my childhood and continued struggles, the same as she did, but she got disability in the 90s when everyone could sign on easily it seems. Her whole life paid for.
I haven’t spoken to her in closet to 7, 8 years now. I can’t imagine my story is unique when it comes to the subject.
My husbands parents are the opposite of my mother, both types of people exist but it’s infuriating to go through what I have with my family. To literally watch your “generational wealth” get flushed.
That is their money.
In 2022, 65% of people ages 65 to 74 had debt, up from 50% in 1989. In 2022, 53% of households headed by someone 75 or older had debt, compared to 32% in 1992.
In fairness, this article is pure bait. It neglected the rising cost of living for people on fixed incomes and treats these draw downs on savings as a frivolity, rather than a consequence of inflation on senior care and medical needs.
But liquidating household assets via instruments like reverse mortgages and loans against large savings accounts and pensions can mean saddling your children and grandchildren with big debts even after you’re gone.
Yeah, the money is mostly spent on medical care, getting scammed and retirement homes. Capitalism is making sure all that money goes to the 1% before it ever gets to you.
Probably the rest of us won’t last much longer than them now anyway.
Oh this is me. Their house is packed and they keep buying more shit and going on international cruises. We’ll get nothing.
And that bothers you? Do you only care about money?
Related Twilight Zone clip:
What a backwards and projecting take. Keep your pessimistic views to yourself.
Guys, don’t buy into this. This is class warfare. This is the billionaire class trying to get young people angry at their parents instead of young people angry at the billionaires who are stealing from us all the time.
It would be the billionaires stealing the inheritance in this case. Just another trick to siphon money upwards.
Especially since it’s the billionaires ending SS
Jokes on you, i grew up poor and never had an expectation of shit.
Read the body of my post
“I got mine.”
Also they will spend it on expensive overpriced healthcare they voted for.
Honestly, that and retirement homes sort of exist to extract the last wealth from the dying.
millennials may miss out
Love how that title makes it sound millennials are somehow to blame
How? “Missing out” means you’re the one who is negatively impacted. It also says and Gen Z. Not sure how that could be interpreted otherwise.
I don’t see that. To me it reads as guilt tripping the parents for wanting to spend the money they themselves earned.
Indeed, OP is a stupid take. For all the shit boomers pulled off with this planet, spending their own money is a good thing.
Yeah they should be allowed to burn everything they ever touched and take it with them when they go. Or maybe we even build giant stone triangles for them and put all their stuff in there with them.
Them getting to spend all the money scraped from the rest of the world and leaving a bleaker version behind us so justified. They put in all that effort and who cares about next generations anyways.
Common phrase of course:
“Cut down all the trees you planted in life so that nobody but you can ever sit beneath it’s shade.”I don’t think you understand what “spending money” means. It’s a good thing because one of the bigger problems in today’s world is wealth-hoarding - accumulated wealth grows and when it’s spent, it actually helps the economy, by people earning money from the services / manufactured products bought.
Unfortunately, in the USA, spending money usually means handing it over to the ultra wealth hoarders
How dare they raise you and then spend their own money?!
I would argue that the stereotype is that most Boomer parents did not actually do much “raising.” They had kids out of some sense of obligation and then kept on focusing on themselves.
Boomers, as a cohort, are incredibly narcissistic and obstinate.
That said, I don’t particularly care about an inheritance; I want my Dad to live as long as he can and be happy and healthy.
Gen X and especially millennials are the first ones to be mostly raised by two working parents. We’ve been fucked since we left the womb.
Boomers: Stay at home moms were the norm.
Before that, huge families and “it takes a village”
Nowadays, it takes three jobs to be able to afford daycare.
Honestly, I’m young, and I know older people that would spend it better than their kids.
That’s not everyone, of course, but maybe instead of blaming people born at a slightly different time we should focus on being mad that there’s non non-hereditary path to wealth.
Lucky for me my parents were both “I didn’t save anything for retirement, my kids will take care of me when I’m older”
man I feel that. It’s like raising a teenager.
“don’t do that, it’ll infect your PC.”
“don’t buy from there your card info will be stolen.”
“no, Biden isn’t going to round us up into camps.”
“now we have to call and get you a new debit card.”
“please don’t buy so much junk food…why? because you have diabetes.”
please don’t buy so much junk food…why? because you have diabetes
This one hit too close to home. My mum has diabetes, dad is close to it, I can’t get them to stop eating sweets
There’s an odd mentality that you just need to dose more insulin, no big deal, when eating poorly with diabetes. Understanding is sometimes the problem.
Here’s a better way to think about it in terms of body damage over time.
Think of sugar as fuel, because it is. When you have diabetes you lack the capacity to regulate the concentration and intensity of that fuel once you ingest it. You can add other things to the mix that can and will help (insulin and various oral agents) but the efficiency and immediacy of the inherent system simply isn’t there when you have diabetes.
Think of excess sugar in the blood as a caustic fuel that slowly (speed varies by individual as well as food consumed) burns out the vasculature (blood vessels) over time.
This burn out due to excess fuel is why nerves in the feet die. Neuropathy is the official name for the numbness and tingling in toes and feet that diabetics generally, eventually, experience. The burnout is also why toe tissue dies and toes need to be amputated, along with a foot or even an entire lower leg with knee, depending. Eye tissue is another location hit particularly hard by this burn out effect from sugars.
So there’s impact over time based on how much caustic sugar fuel you pour into your own bloodstream.
Also, sugar is addictive. Like meth or heroin, people struggle with letting it go.
Theres also a ton of people, medical professionals included, that treat type two diabetes as a permanent problem with no possibility of reversing it. This leads to people focusing on the medication they need to take instead of the food they eat.
Doctors have been saying “you need to lose weight” for a very long time, decades at least. Aside from a small sliver of patients this advice is typically ignored. People want a pill for this, not to have to give up that bucket of KFC or the supersized McDonald’s French fries.
Recently, patients raise hell with healthcare workers’ bosses if weight loss is advised because it’s “mean” or is “impacting my mental health” regarding body image. So the suggestion is not made as much in general in the last 5 years.
The problem on this one isn’t often the doctors.
Now, if a patient needs surgery and is too obese for it to happen then there’s a path forward to advise weight loss without repercussions. If cholesterol is high there’s also a path forward for advising diet change, again, without repercussions. Diabetes, again, diet recommendations so you don’t fall into a coma and die, and so you can potentially keep both your feet.
All of that said, you hit diabetes phase you do have it forever, but with type 2 you can manage it by diet if you behave well, reduce weight, and maintain healthy eating. This is great, but it doesn’t mean the type 2 diabetes is gone just that it’s well managed, or “diet managed”. Another way to think of it is that it’s in remission by virtue of your good behavior but not cured. Go on a month long food bender and things can change back again.
To reverse, you need to lose weight and adjust your diet, per your doctors instructions, as soon as your doctor tells you you are pre-diabetic.
Nutrition consults typically come with the diagnosis, but people are notorious for not following up with the next specialist. Diabetic educator is a position as well. Your doctor is booked like an airport by his/her bosses and probably can’t cram that into the 15-20min time slot allowed. Referrals are made for a reason.
Two things that commonly happen to thinking on this topic. Oh, I’m prediabetic, whatever, it’s something we watch, nothing to do here, I’m safe because no insulin required. Or, I no longer need Metformin or insulin or whatever, so I must no longer be diabetic. Both are typically wrong.
Another thing that happens is hardcore denial of even having type 2 diabetes because “I don’t take insulin.”
This isn’t all people, this is simply a piece of the mess involved with diet and exercise advice in health care alongside type 2.
In keeping with the probabilities game that is the human body, here’s a fun fact. There are morbidly obese people in the 500-700lb zone who are not diabetic and still guzzling sugar like none other. Someone has to exist on the tails of the bell curve.
As always, bring your health questions to your doctors, don’t take some random dipshit on the internet seriously.
My wife reads click bait articles all the time, and thinks diabetes can be cured. And is always quick to tell me that if i did this fad diet, or ate that diabetes curing food I would be right as rain.
Thanks to Ozempic I’ve had it under control for 3 years. And it’s not easy, the Ozempic benefits go away after a while. So you need to make the most out of the weight loss. Unfortunately, I went undiagnosed for too long and the nerve damage has been done and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. I knew 20 years ago that I was on an express train to diabetes town, but depression and anxiety caused by yet another undiagnosed condition made me not care.
In other words, the rich are eating the middle class. They will buy up all property and normal people will be permanently priced out of the market. They have no reason to sell.
I was sexually/otherwise abused by my mother for most of my life. When I brought it up to family, I was basically told to shut up about it/“go to therapy.” They spent thousands torturing me in troubled teen facilities, and provided me with nothing for college (which I paid for with multiple jobs and sex work.)
I will never own a house. I spent almost two years after my divorce to just be able to afford an apartment. My family has never valued me - I will not give them the comfort they denied when it is the end. My entire life has been a hell.
My family tells me “write a book then I will read it” and I just keep thinking:
Assholes, maybe instead just listen to me when I tell my stories you want to ignore so badly.
They couldn’t even be bothered to spend thousands on me though and more than once in my life I have just been dropped off at street corners with hopes that I would disappear from their lives.It sucks. While I may not know you, I know similar pain and know it’s never easy. I hope you find comforts in the little things around you.
You could tell them instead of writing it to us
Ouch. I’m sorry to hear that. Wish I could offer you better help than, condolences and understanding from the other side of the internet.
They spent it on groceries then voted for an orange dipshit .
I mean I’m not crazy about inheritance anyway for some reason it gives me the jeebies.