Hi guys. I am trying to buy a 3d printer for someone willing to create stuff anywhere from small PC enclosure for a radpberry PI to say awesome stands for monitors or appliances. I dont want to build outrageously big stuff but i need something beginner friendly in a cheaper side of budget (maybe 500€/$?) what would you recommend?
The Bambu A1 (mini or full size) may be a good fit for you. Price point is there or below if you opt out of the multi color unit, and they are remarkably beginner friendly.
I didnt know i would want multi color so i will add that ob my list of wanted featuresz :) this looks pretty small the a1, would you know of something with bigger dimensions?
The A1 is 256x256x256, which is pretty generous for an out of the box printer.
I personally use a Bambu P1S which has the same volume, and is larger than the Prusa MK3S I upgraded from.
The A1S is definitely smaller but still capable. I started on a Prusa Mini which is similarly sized and it worked great for me for a year or so before I upgraded.
Edit: I honestly would not start with a multi color unit. Wait a year and get some print experience under you first before you add that extra complexity.