What fonts are you currently using on your system? Which do you think is best for the terminal or for your desktop environment?
(updates) Ok I think I’m a fan of Ubuntu nerd fonts right now
Noto Sans for sans-serif text (and the OS)
It’s legible, standard-looking and support about every writing system in the world. You can install it on Debian using# apt install fonts-noto
, some others like-cjk
help with the “supports about every writing system in the world”-aspect.Merriweather for the serif font fallback for the browser, as well as TTRPG campaign printouts
It’s very legible, and looks quite sexy for a serif font. There’s no package for it currently (although AUR and Nix users might have better luck), it has to be downloaded from Google FontsJetBrains Mono for the terminal TUI’s
It looks a bit playful, like lego-letters, is legible and supports about every writing system in the world.# apt install fonts-jetbrains-mono
.Although I use…
Verdana for source code
It differentiates every character well and leaves enough space to easily recognise special characters such as brackets. And I don’t believe monospace fonts are more legible. It’s included inttf-mscorefonts-installer
but the font is not open-source.I’ve been enjoying Fira Sans and Fira Mono for far too long: https://mozilla.github.io/Fira/
I love Eurostile Regular. Git it at https://freefonts.co/fonts/eurostile-regular
Lexend Deca for me. A mix of a dyslexoc-font, Arial and a bit of the roundness of Comic Sans. (Sorry, probably bad examples, am no font nerd)
I read through the website, and it feels… odd.
Is this font’s only purpose to be variable-width tunable?
The website has this interesting showcase:
“[Student fluency] is measured in Words Correct Per Minute… Each student read out loud a passage set in a control of Times New Roman, then four of the Lexend Series — Deca, Exa, Giga, and Mega.”
They even give example text for the viewer in both fonts. Of course, Times New Roman was blown out of the water, and the viewer can feel it.
But… this is apples to oranges. Of course the viewer can feel it, Times New Roman is a freakin’ serif, and there are a quinquagintillion sans serifs for small digital text, for good reason! Then what does this font have over other sans fonts? I couldn’t find the “Stanford study” or any other comparisons, but if I were to surmise a guess:
“Variable font technology allows for continuous selection of the Lexend Series to find the specific setting for an individual student.”
It’s to be able to adapt for a student reader’s preferences.
I dunno, the site’s framing of “changing the way the world reads” feels disingenuous – it’s a nice sans tho.
Ok, I never dug so deep, I just really like the design, I did not know (or forgot) their ambicious/overblown claims
Gohu Font Nerd is a nice small bitmap font I’m fond of. Only issue is the size for high DPI monitors, but the JetBrainsMono nerd font is a nice vector font that’s easy on the eyes (quite stereotypical/cliché, but that’s for a reason).
Interesting. What makes you use bitmaps as a system font?
I get it for TTYs. Though for TTYs nothing will take me away from Terminus :]
What makes you use bitmaps as a system font?
I like the aesthetic of bitmaps. Personal preference
Dropping a link for others since it’s the first time I heard of it.
Please don’t hate me but for desktop I use Segoe UI. After years of using it everything else looks just kinda off and cheap to me. Similar to when folder icons are not yellow
Nothing wrong with that! I prefer Inter for nearly all UIs these days, but I still think Segoe UI looks better than GNOME’s current default of Cantarell.
It is a well-designed system font. Say what you will about Microsoft but they do know how to make a good font or two.
Same. I’ve compiled a custom variant of Iosevka for terminal and code, because I want to have some chars in a certain way, especially the 0 and the & for even better readability. I used to have Monoid for code and terminal, but it the pixel perfect size for 12pt was getting too small for me and my eyes are not getting any better. Iosevka looks better even after some hinting by the OS.
On the rest of the desktop UI I use B612, because it is very ledgible, I recently switch over from the hyperledible Atkinson font. Before that I had Gidole on the desktop. Very pleasing, but not that readable at same font size.
Whatever comes default with the current system.
Verdana, Tahoma and Source code pro is good for eyes
Ubuntu font. Idk why but I like it.
I agree! Nice memories of hitting backspace in a Linux Mint terminal and hearing that weird-ass BWOUP sound.
I recommend Ubuntu Mono for Termux users. Look at this black-background beauty – way better than the angly flat default
Since basically forever I use DejaVu Sans for UI elements and DejaVu Mono for the terminal.
I always use Dejavu sans mono for terminal and programming too. I think its the best in terms of readability where indentation is important
me too, I loved Verdana before I discovered FOSS and DejaVu Sans is basically FOSS Verdana
I like Maple Mono https://github.com/subframe7536/maple-font
An independent open source font, interesting. Looks pretty too, especially for multiple colors
🟨 preview: Maple Mono
i want serifs. I use Go Mono for monospaced text. i’ve yet to find a good proportional slab serif font to match though.
By proportional slab serif do you mean unmonospacing the monospace like what Ubuntu does? I guess that’s why Go Proportional wouldn’t work being a sans serif
🟨 Preview: Go Mono
yeah just using the same characters but “squished” doesn’t work since the serifs take up the character space. you need a font designed as proportional. slab serif just means that the serifs are squared rather than pointed like on Times.
I always end up with SF Pro Display for my desktop. For terminal I’m happy with several mentioned here.
There are a lot of San Francisco fonts. Have you tried all of them? :p
🟨 preview: SF Pro display
🟨 preview: Other SF fonts