Right. Bullying someone and making their school life painful is exactly the same as denying someone healthcare and killing them. Therefore getting revenge on a bully is equivalent to getting revenge on the healthcare company. Did I get that right? /s
Yes targeting an individual who is clearly responsible for human suffering is easier to forgive than murdering random children.
Comparing apples to door hinges.
I dont know but I dont think kids are murdering random people, but their bulliers.
You only think that because it makes a good story. The reality is more complicated. Psychological factors and gun availability lead to some people killing people. Not bullying. Columbine is a famous example where the shooters were arguably bullies themselves.
Lanza age 20 was not bullied by twenty kids age 7, their techers, and a psychologist.
Ramos age 18 was not tormented by 22 kids age 9-11.
And so on.
Try this argument again when a grade school bully has the power and privilege of a health care CEO who makes ~10 Million USD a year off of the suffering of millions.
Lmao fuck off I know you’re not really pro school shootings
Word your shit better
“Only thing they can do except suicide” shut up. There’s tons of things you can do instead of shooting up a fucking school. Not that I can’t empathize with bullied kids but come the fuck on
Though this is probably just irony I’m missing
A mass shooting is not the “only thing they can do except suicide” and that’s a ridiculous argument
Kids killing > Mass murdering
HealthCare > Mass deathsI don’t know if this was supposed to be funny or a very bad dumbass take on the recent events