Like, now? No way. I would choose to continue my unborn existence. However, if I could choose a time period, that would be a different story.
Maybe if I had the choice of where and when to be born. Much too risky to leave it up to chance though
Damn right I would.
I lean no, but it’s close. On the one hand, life is meaningless and hurts. On the other I’ve gotten to see some cool things.
Yes. Everything is pointless and nothing is forever. Might as well enjoy the life we’ve got. Non-existence is better for some people, but I think on the whole life is worth living for most people.
We all had a choice (well, maybe not ivf babies), we were just so dumb (single cell sperm) that the “choice” was not informed.
Not even true, contrary to popular belief it doesn’t take one sperm cell in order to fertilize an egg it takes a bunch of sperm cells to fertilize an egg. This is why when men ejaculate they don’t just ejaculate one sperm cell they ejaculate at least half a shot glass.
If a different sperm had won, I wouldn’t be here.
Team effort or not, there is one success.
You’ve got a point. What was I thinking swimming to that egg?
No. And thats the reason i don’t have kids.
Humanity is rotten, and personally i don’t think we’ll ever change. The best thing that can happen to earth is for humanity to collapse and become extinct.
God no. And I won’t have kids either. Spare them having to think about it.
Seeing as how shit everything is, no.
I’ve been through some terrible things in life.
But yes, I’d still choose to be born. The universe is an amazing place, and despite everything that has happened and is going on, there truly isn’t anything as wonderful as getting to experience a small, brief slice of the universe.
I think I would have preferred to just manifest as a being of energy that could take corporal form at will.
Would have been a lot easier on my mum.
I mean, the universe is just an experiment in experience. Even with the bullshit, it’s better to have been than to never have been
Absolutely. I’m not terribly privileged, but while the difficulties of life are non-trivial, overall I’ve experienced enough joy to justify the expense.
I’m echoing a lot of the replies here by saying “No.” Even if I’m given a choice as to what kind of life I’d live, still no.
Even if people say there’s a lot of good things in life, or that there are people living their dreams in this world, still no. I don’t play the lottery, even if I might end up with more money than I could ever hope to spend. The same logic applies here.
There would be no me to regret not existing if I don’t exist.