The only few reason I know so far is software availability, like adobe software, and Microsoft suite. Is there more of major reasons that I missed?

    1 year ago

    About 23 years ago I couldn’t make it boot when I plugged in a USB hub.
    And since, my life just became too invested in Microsoft/Adobe products to be able to use something else as a daily driver.

    But I “use” Linux every day - whether it’s the PiHole, the NAS, the server that runs my 3D printer, or WSL in Windows PowerShell. I’m about to spin up my own OPNSense router, too.
    Weird trajectory on WSL - I learned Unix commands using MacOS terminal for a previous job, but I generally abhor windows command line (it just doesn’t work with my brain). So now when I use commend line in windows, I default to *nix.

    It sort of works out that I use Macs for personal use, Windows for work, and Linux to run the systems of my life.