for other poor non-americans like me, who heard the term aafes first time in their shitty non-freedomy life:
The Army & Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES, also referred to as The Exchange and post exchange/PX or base exchange/BX) provides goods and services at U.S. Army, Air Force, and Space Force installations worldwide, operating department stores, convenience stores, restaurants, military clothing stores, theaters and more nationwide and in more than 30 countries and four U.S. territories.
They don’t really have any presence outside of military bases and embassies, so if you don’t exist in those circles, you wouldn’t have been exposed to them.
Dont be afride to ask questions. Remember, there are no stupid questions, only stupid people.
I guess you have an internet capable device in your vincinity. If you are afraid your fellow americans would make fun of your crippledness,you can use an internet search engine on that device without notifying your peers!
for other poor non-americans like me, who heard the term aafes first time in their shitty non-freedomy life:
due to public Health concerns the US government will stop operating Army, Air Force and Space Force installations worldwide
if only…
That would be nice
I am an American and this is the first time I’ve heard of AAFES
They don’t really have any presence outside of military bases and embassies, so if you don’t exist in those circles, you wouldn’t have been exposed to them.
So Middle Eastern people know about this?
If they have bases access, sure.
Same ngl, I just assumed it was some health agency
As an American who didn’t know and was afraid to ask, thank you. Had no idea. Now I wanna see some of that sweet sweet space force merch.
You know how the Army has soldiers, the Navy has sailors, and the Air Force has airmen? The Space Force has “guardians”.
Dont be afride to ask questions. Remember, there are no stupid questions, only stupid people.
I guess you have an internet capable device in your vincinity. If you are afraid your fellow americans would make fun of your crippledness,you can use an internet search engine on that device without notifying your peers!
Fuck bruh just go to the NEX. Always a vape shop within 100 feet.