I don’t think so - the stock market is extremely detached from fundraising in the modern world and if that company decided to fundraise it’ll mostly do so on the back of mutual funds and uni endowments.
I personally find divestment is a pretty ineffective personal action in terms of individuals.
You are benefitting from incarceration and forced labor
The stock market is so detached from reality that the impact you’re having is nearly nil. You’re much more directly supporting forced labor and incarceration when you buy a t-shirt, Chinese garlic, register your car, eat pretty much any fast food, enjoy chocolate, or do literally anything connected to Walmart.
My point in the comment above is that Divestment (outside of retail investment) has almost no impact. If you live in America you’re already evil as fuck and profiting from the misery of millions. The stocks you own are some of the least evil shit you’re doing.
If you live in America you’re already evil as fuck and profiting from the misery of millions.
Regardless this is something you can vert easily not do. I can’t not pay my taxes, eat, drink, and consume energy very easily but I can very easily not profit off prison labor in this way.
Investing to make money off of other’s suffering is never justified.
You may as well scream “FUCK YOU, GOT MINE” a little louder.
Thought so. Just making sure.
I think the private prison system is one of the worst institutions in the world. I think the reality of the stock market has no connection to capital reinvested into businesses vs shareholder dividends. Investments at this scale are not like giving a three person startup 2 million dollars. They’re not growing their businesses by putting it all into capex.
Are you an asshole for gambling on whether Trump will keep his word, using the systems in front of you? Dare I say it? No. You’re not.
Short freedom
I don’t think it’s bad to profit from the US economy even though some of those profits would end up being by very evil means. At least in that way, you don’t really have a choice as the economy is very interconnected.
But in this scenario you do have a choice, there are plenty of ways to invest and make money without going out of your way to be extra evil.
Unless you got hundreds of thousands in assets to invest, you are only gambling on the suffering and slavery.
I think you’d be awfully surprised calling yourself “as left as they come” on here. There are some people who are so far out in left field that they come back around on the right again. Lemmy is full of anarcho-communists and people who believe that ownership of property is akin to murder.
There are some people who are so far out in left field that they come back around on the right again.
Hi there! Did you know that horseshoe theory is complete and utter bullshit? A quick perusal of even Wikipedia will quickly inform the uninformed.
You should read your own suggestion there bub. It merely says there are proponents and critics of the theory and that actual research on the metaphor is sparse. Sorry to get your panties in a twist.
I’ve seen the “tolerant left” suggest calling ICE on latinos who supported Donald Trump in order to get them or their family members deported as some sort of revenge. If that’s not a fine example of horseshoe theory, I don’t know what is.
Another example would be TERFs
I say who the fuck cares what some Internet randos think. I bet you ten shares that more than a handful of the people taking about ethical conundrum didn’t even vote this past election.
The only thing that matters is can you live with it? If you can, go for it and make a buck working within the confines of Americans values because if you don’t, someone else will.
I’ll tell you that I don’t regret buying into the reddit IPO despite its various ethical scandals and going forward here my family and future matters more at this point than anything the average American says since they voted out literally didn’t vote for all of this.
Fuck it, imma say it. Some questions are hella stupid
Needed to be said. I honestly thought I was in Onion territory at first…
Yes. Doing so makes you a hypocrite. Don’t worry through, there’s no shortage of hypocrisy in America. It’s practically a requirement to be at least unwittingly hypocritical. Just by drinking Coke or tipping a waiter you’re contributing to a broken system designed to exploit people for maximum profit.
But here’s the rub. You can’t, in any practical sense, escape that crap, however, you can choose to not deliberately contribute to stuff outside your immediate wheelhouse. It’s one thing to buy a chocolate bar out of a vending machine, but investing in Nestle? That’s a choice, and one you could have easily skipped. You could skip the candy too, but it’s very, very hard (and impractical) to refuse every corporate product ever. Everything, from the materials in your electronics to your mortgage company, to most food from lettuce to frozen chicken, exploits people. But you don’t have to voluntarily make the problem worse.
And on the sliding scale of morality, investing in slavery - in this case the prison industrial complex is just greed and indifference to the cost in human suffering. Seriously research it, slavery in all but name has been part of the plan since the Reconstruction era after the Civil War. We never had a justice system; we have a punishment system that hungers for the labor of the downtrodden, especially of minorities.
So if you want to at least try and be a better person, and investing is something you want to do, look into the companies you’re investing in. See what their executives are paid compared to their workers here and abroad. There are companies that you can ethically justify investing in - small companies, co-ops, credit unions, pro-union companies, companies actually trying to solve problems or make the world better, like solar manufacturing, etc.
If you want to invest in human suffering, then you’re going to have to make peace with being a bad person and being judged for it. I’d advise at least trying not to. It’s a hopeless battle, but fighting honorably is its own justification.
There are not enough hundred dollar bills in the world to wipe off the stench of being branded a doody-head by the fediverse.
Thank you for your well thought out response to what might otherwise be dismissed as a trolling attempt.
Apparently the left stops somewhere about right of centre - what a quaint political system the US has.