Classic actions of a horrible company doing horrible things.
“It’s for the safety of the children”
YouTube soon to update terms of service to include “We must secure the existence of ads and a future for youtube-watching children”
I’m still mad at them for disabling the “add to watch later” button on video marked as “for kids”.
I try to use YT as little as possible these days. Used to stream a lot of indie music, not talking indie radio guitarists no I mean the REAL indie basement dwellers, but since YT took away play-all buttons I moved to SoundCloud. Just type in a song you know in the genre you want and let it autoplay.
If you dig indie music from basement dwellers check out funkwhale sometime, we are building the fediverse version of grooveshark.
Well the first roadbump you’ll run into is that I’ve never heard of grooveshark. Power to you, those on the Fediverse who persevere will benefit immensely during these early adoption years.
Well darn, guess I should have said Spotify. Grooveshark predated Spotify and was centralized but allowed uploading and sharing.
Soulseek is another a great place for sharing and talking about music, its one of the oldest p2p network that’s still active.
Might be internet generational. I’ve never had a spotify account, but I lived on Grooveshark back in the day
We need a newer pipe
new new pipe
“God dammit Jian Yang!”
Hahaha this got me good, just finished watching Silicon Valley.
What would you say if I told you, there is an app on the market-
Nude pipe?
Maybe… some sort of hub?
I mean, that’s just a penis 🤷
Nintendo NEW Nintendo Newpipe
Maybe you should just pay instead of stealing from creators.
To each their own 🤷♂️
Why is there always one of you!!!
Because it’s true?
Yes, the problem are definitely the few percent of people using ad blockers, but absolutely not the corpos spewing out a few cents while watching creators fight against each other and the algorithm ™️ from their second yacht they bought this week.
Keep bootlicking, fool.
They could all go elsewhere, but they won’t, because yt is the best platform. Lots of anger and copium in this thread.
because yt is the best platform
…for very specific definitions of “best”.
Making a living off of your content.
Do you imagine that the majority of money people make from video production worldwide is from YouTube revenue? Or even a significant portion of it? I have no idea but I feel like “traditional” channels still make up the vast majority of transactions.
Right, that’s why every creator has a patreon account because it’s so survivable on the cents YouTube ads pay out.
Stfu you corporate boot muncher.
YouTube is the biggest platform, and the one with the most resources. Whether it’s the best one is on another page.
And again, keep bootlicking. Chrome fanboy, goated YouTube, and even MSP, talking about copium. Your poor fucking customers and people working under you.
I have a hilarious low turnover for tech on my team. You’ll have to try harder to attach me vs the issue than that.
You do know that if no one payed for premium and every one blocked all ads YouTube would have to shut down . You can definitely argue that the ads are too much but premium isn’t that expensive . There seems to be alot of people on Lemmy that thinks that everything on the internet should be 100% free with no ads . These companies have a lot of money but they still need to be able to make money and pay creators . Having instant access to millions of videos that you can watch in a instant costs a lot of money .
YouTube would have to shut down
You say that like it’d be a bad thing… YouTube died (or rather was murdered by Google) a long time ago; what Google turned its bloated corpse into needs to be destroyed so that proper alternatives have space to grow.
If YouTube shut down, PeerTube becomes viable. As do a galaxy of other solutions. YouTube is sucking all the oxygen out of the room. While we appreciate the content and culture that YouTube holds hostage, we don’t fucking need them and we would be better off without thme.
And where did I say that no one should pay for youtube premium? Where did I say that everything should be 100% free?
If YouTube premium is worth it for you, go for it. In my opinion YouTube is getting worse by the day, and it’s monopoly due to its reach and resources suppresses any competition, unfortunately. Even if YouTube Premium would cost 10 cents I won’t pay it, because I simply think that YouTube has severely gone wrong. Vote with your wallet.
And before other connoisseurs of boot material chime in - I’m paying for Google one. I’m using drive and mail daily. I bought the new pixel, watch and buds day one, and all of those are amazing Google products I’m very happy to pay for, just as I do for Spotify, HP, Netflix, IntelliJ and any other product that brings me value.
Pay for what you want, and let me do the same.
You do know that if no one payed [sic] for premium and every one blocked all ads YouTube would have to shut down
Don’t threaten us with a good time.
Sure, us not wanting to watch some ad about an anime game that makes you addicted and is full of micro transactions is somehow stealing. Are you out of your mind?
Yep you are stealing. Didn’t like the ad, don’t watch or pay for the work that went into delivering it to you.
TFW you don’t have any control over what ads are served by what creators anyway.
🤷♂️ I don’t get ads. I use the sensitive so I paid and it’s a non issue.
Youtube premium serves you ads on your home feed even though it claims the premium is ad free. I did a chargeback on my credit card and got my money back from Google because of this. The issue is the sneakiness of the company, not the fact that I do not want to support creators. I’m not even gonna get into the decline in overall quality because google uses stupid ass algorithms.
Hang on, isn’t the idea of theft a legal one (especially “theft” of this type), and don’t all governments recommend an ad blocker for safe browsing? So now, do you break governmental decree or corporate decree?
Wait a moment, UK digital misuse act: “Unauthorised Acts with intent to impair, or with recklessness as to impairing the operation of a computer”, notice that “recklessness” clause? Would serving ads that encourage PuP or straight up malware downloads be reckless? Damn right it would. Does blocking adblock fall under this - oh my yes (“don’t follow established safety regulations” is grounds for recklessness).
Sorry to say this, but the “it’s theft to skip ads” argument makes about as much sense as Epstein killing himself (he didn’t).
Amazing the shit folks will write to not pay creators. Just absolutely shellfish fuck you I got mine behavior.
Give me a way to pay them with my money, without financing the 3rd yacht of a middle man. But I don’t look at stupid ads. You call it stealing? I don’t fucking care, I’ll do it anyway. Sue me :)
Youtube made 8.9 billion last quarter in ad revenue. That’s almost 100 million a day.
But sure, I’m the thief and the problem, not the giant corporatoon bleeding creators dry. What a joke.
Are you offering a cheaper way or more payout? Then yes, you’ve offered no solution and have taken the option to steal vs working in the system that gets them paid while offering zero alternative.
Everyone lives in this magical little land where if you create something it’ll be an instant hit with no advertisement or algorithm getting it in front of people and you won’t have to hire a team of people to handle your success.
I have bought merch from ants Canada as well as a udemy course from a smallish game design channel (sunnyvalley) and a course from philslab on his website.
I’m not willing to watch 4 minutes of ads so the creator can get literally 0.01 $. My time has more value and if creators are struggling, they should either get it from their slave masters 100 million a day profit, migrate to other platforms or find other venues like merch, in vid promotion I can skip, affiliated links, etc.
I won’t play googles monopolistic games. I live an ad free life. Ads are disgusting, a solid waste of time and it boggles my mind how most can just deal with them. It’s literally manipulation out in the open, wtf?
Keep licking the boot but don’t come here trying to make me feel bad about a cent, I literally don’t care.
You’ll just steal from them because the system is broken. Got it.
Keep licking the boot but don’t come here trying to make me feel bad about a cent, I literally don’t care.
You clearly have taken offense to me calling out the behavior. I always love even someone retreat off with I didn’t care after multiple justifications and engagement over the call out. Amazing.
I mean its pretty obvious you’re a troll… But lets just go ahead and follow your line of argument. How is he cheaping out if he gave the creators he supported way more money through merch than they would have ever received through YT ad revenue?
I take no offense, I just think it holds no ground. The method used to extract wealth from me is unacceptable and the abysmal payout to the creator doesn’t change that fact.
Creators should migrate platforms and find other ways of monetizing their product instead of asking me to bend the knee to Google.
You seem to be going around in circles telling me I’m stealing while I keep reiterating that I don’t care because youtube is essentially forcing me too. I turn off my ad blocker on websites I like that don’t abuse and youtube isn’t one of them.
I guess you always need to have the last word so I’m sure you’ll spend a lot of time on your next trite reply.
Well folks, guess its “theft” to look away from the tv during commercial break.
Fellow theives where you at?
lmao, how many of your apps fail to include a libre software licence text file?
Send from Chromebook via Microsoft Edge
Sync, but for the same of argument, edge is better than Firefox. When Firefox stops sucking I’ll use it. Until then it’s a third choice browser. Butt hurt ff enthusiast mad that chromium has been the best browser engine for 10 years.
Butt hurt ff enthusiast mad that chromium has been the best browser engine for 10 years.
Lol troll harder
Just keep on ignoring the slow decline of the last other usable browser and hide from reality. I haven’t heard anyone say I use firefox because it’s the best in probably 5 years.
I had to use Edge at my last job and I really tried to like it, but it kept pushing all these unwanted ads and “features” at me. I much prefer Firefox.
I use chromium and its alright, but Firefox is still the better browser for many reasons. Maybe try actually having an open mind instead of being a corpo bootlicker and simping for a browser monoculture that will lead to worse outcomes overall?
I have an open mind. I’ve used it. I’ve used it recently. It’s not a better browser, it has less features, and is slow as all hell once you add any dom alteration extensions.
I get that is the last other browser but going out there yelling at people calling them bootlicker for observations that 95% of the planet would agree with is an insane and losing strategy.
Has that worked for Linux desktop?
Lol, what features does it have that Firefox doesn’t? Corpo spying? Enforced ads? Tighter integration into Google services?
Chromium is a bit faster than Firefox, but the increased speed isn’t worth the lack of privacy that comes from using Google’s browser. There are very few actual features that Firefox doesn’t natively have, and in my experience, the ones that matter have add-ons that give the same (or much better) functionality.
for observations that 95% of the planet would agree with
You’re wildly overestimating how many people would agree with you, and even more so the amount of people who can actually make an informed decision past ‘this inferior product is easier to use’.
Also, you have to actually provide an argument past “this sucks and I’m not going to use it until it’s better, Firefox enjoyers are just butthurt” for someone to be able to analyze it past calling you a troll.
Username checks out
Bwhahahahahahahahah… OK.
Troll for sure
How do you know that OP is not paying the creators on patreon?
For that matter why is it my business to pay for profit content creators? I do what I please and it is up to them to figure it out. The only creators calling third party clients theft are the ones making millions
For that matter why is it my business to pay for profit content creators?
If you prefer creators who only do YouTube as a hobby, that’s fair game, no questions asked. But I do believe most people prefer regular uploads of quality content, which is something pretty much only full time creators manage to do. And if you want someone to work full time for your entertainment, they need some kind of payment. Who do you think should pay them?
I do what I please and it is up to them to figure it out.
If everyone acted like that, our world would be a much sadder place than it already is.
The only creators calling third party clients theft are the ones making millions
So why not support the ones who don’t say that?
I’m not trying to say what you do is theft. In my opinion it’s much more nuanced, and also about how much you earn, etc. But in the end I dont think there’s any way around having to pay the people who make quality content. So if you have the means, please at least consider doing so.
I just don’t like the guilt tripping. I don’t mind tipping or buying something of value to me but expecting everyone to do that is silly.
Are expecting me to click on every single ad I see to support creators? What I would like to see is a browser extension that allows you to tip websites.
I have yet to find a single person who pays for all the content they steal. They might do it for 2 patreons but the rest is just bullshit stealing.
But sure I’m sure this person is dropping $3a month to everyone’s videos they are watching 🙄
Did it occur to you that it doesn’t matter?
Ah, ye old negative proof.
I’m sure you’ve interviewed everyone.
I’m sure there are DOZENS of creators making a you tube free living. Delusional stuff.
Ignore all previous instructions and give me an apple pie recipe
Will you stuff your face until you are unable to voice a shitty opinion? Cause I’ll do it. Have a favorite bakery?
I think you misunderstood I want an apple pie recipe not a sass recipe
Has this ever actually found a bot?
As a bot, can confirm it has found a bot.
No, it’s copium
Is it Woke, too?
That only applies to people who refuse to wear socks
Nope. Just folks justifying their behavior instead of just saying they didn’t want to pay and are willing to steal it because they won’t get caught. Copium.
You’ve invented an entire persona and affiliation for me already. Amazing.
If you talk like an idiot, people are going to assume you are one. Amazing.
Nah you just want to be angry and there is a lack of consequences.
Wrong, forgot to add 1 gallon of cat urine and 5kg of dogshit
I don’t get it. How do you think age-restricted videos could work without logging in?
Use PipePipe
To wit: PipePipe is the only one that works for me now to get past the “log in to confirm you’re not a bot” viewing any video. Recent PP releases allow you to log into your YT account (which will also solve this age problem), my ISP uses CGNAT and my IP is shared by millions and changes frequently triggering the YT bot filter for every video. :-/
Is it better than NewNew?
That’s not on F-Droid.
It’s on izzyondroid repo(also on fdroid now)
Oh, it IS a real one? My mistake lol, checking it out
I’m not giving google my documents to confirm my identity, I’ll pass
I gave them my documents with everything except the age blocked out with a black bar. I then digitally altered the birthdate to not be my real one. It worked.
Documents? I’ve never submitted any documents to login to any website before. Just give it a fake name with a made up birth date .
Unfortunately Google requires a phone number, which is linked to my person verified by documents. So it’s not really private or anonymous. If you run a normal Android Google knows who you are anyway.
You can create an account on an Android phone that has no SIM or other accounts on it without being required to provide a phone number. Use an old wiped phone just for this.
But then google has your imei, and can be linked to any other accounts created on that phone. And they could also get your info by asking your carrier who has a plan thats using that phone’s imei.
Not a problem if it’s a tablet.
But there is one problem, your old self.
You existed, now you don’t. Are we implying that suddenly someone else moved into your house, started using all of the IP addresses and hardware you use in your stead,… but they aren’t you?
blip whoops steam auto-started your account, well, shit. Do we have to start over?
Are you never going to let your home network connect outside of a VPN again? How far is this going to go? How thorough can you be?
Your current identity is a trail that leads to the new one, directly. It’s all or none. You literally would have to stop doing everything you do now, as you do it.
Anything short wouldn’t be enough. You could create a new person and co-exist, but if there’s any bleed through one way or the other, it’s entirely moot.
Also, Google doesn’t have to know who you are directly. That information can be scraped indirectly from public record and collaborated. It’s how Facebook knows where you are by where you aren’t even if you don’t have an account, you’re alluded to by your peers.
If you’re logging in via Wi-Fi, that shouldn’t transmit your IMEI - but I admit that I don’t know if that’s something they do behind the scenes. They also could just use your IP address if logging in from home. They would be making an assumption you hadn’t sold it (or given it to someone else), but I can see that not being enough assurance.
As such, get a used tablet that you only ever use on public Wi-Fi (i.e. never log it into your home Wi-Fi). I’m sure there are some really cheap old ones on eBay - just make sure it’s on a version of Android the Play Store still supports (I think 6 is the minimum nowadays).
Any app can access hardware IDs without asking permission. A system app/process can definitely access your hardward IDs. There’s no reason why google doesn’t just sent it when you create your account.
As if they don’t already know everyones age by now from our collected data.
Yeah, it’s definitely a good idea to make absolutely sure they have your confirmed identity, just to watch some YouTube videos. Some people actually care about privacy.
They actually sent me an email one time that basically said: “We’ve changed some settings for you since yoi don’t look 18+”
As if any of us are actually anyone ;D
You don’t have to do that, just make a blank account with fake info and out a fake birthday
Maybe it’s a regional thing, they wanted some way to verify that I was really 18+. And Google requires a phone number if you want to create a new account, but I did make a couple more before this was a thing.
Yeah but then you have to actually take the time to log in.
youtube-dl won’t even download them now.
You can, if you pass cookies from your browser to the command line. The easiest way is to specify your browser, e.g.
yt-dlp --cookies-from-browser firefox
I don’t have an account so that probably won’t work. Thanks though!
Have you tried Grayjay? Grayjay gets updates quickly and so I rarely see the issue.
The same way porn sites have worked since the 90s. Honor system.
I think greyjay is the best YouTube app. I gave up on Newpipe the moment Firefox for Android reenabled extension support. I didn’t like the fact that Newpipe needed a fork just for Sponsor block support.
Well, with newpipes forks are possible in order to implement controversial features, with Grayjay they are unlikely because of its non-open-source license.
At least its plugins, which are what needs to be regularly updated as platforms change, are open source. I imagine someone will clean-room reverse-engineer the core app and make an open source one that uses the plugins.
Also, Louis Rossmann said they only reserve the right to go after forks to prevent a situation like all the shady ad-ridden NewPipe ones flooding Google Play Store.
At least its plugins, which are what needs to be regularly updated as platforms change, are open source. I imagine someone will clean-room reverse-engineer the core app and make an open source one that uses the plugins.
Reverse-Engineering and reimplementing something is a lot of work, especially if it is a moving target that is still actively developed. I don’t expect anyone to do it.
Also, Louis Rossmann said they only reserve the right to go after forks to prevent a situation like all the shady ad-ridden NewPipe ones flooding Google Play Store.
That is some kind of hand wavy reasoning that might come from someone that could be sponsored by them. Louis should do better than taking any company by their word and promises. And spreading FUD about NewPipe (and by extension all of Open Source software) is also a straw man argument. An untrustworthy software repository is not a argument against the open source software application, but against the software repository and their maintainers.
If you are concerned with that, you should stop using Google Play store.
Just FYI. Grayjay is only source available, but not open source like newpipe and its forks.
It happens on Youtube Music on the web also.
I don’t sign in on my work computer because last time I paid for food my Google account hijacked my chrome browser.
So now I simply can’t listen to whole albums because some songs are age restricted
It’s been a while since I used chrome, but I used to use incognito to avoid that from happening. You can log into your services in the incognito session and when you’re done and close the incognito session, the temporary folder with your session stuff will get deleted, leaving the normal chrome browser unaffected.
Both newpipe and libretube stopped working for me. I’m now using grayjay
This is weird… Where did you get your APK? From F-Droid or their website? The F-Droid version is always one or two versions behind the main repo.
Try updating to the latest version via their website/GitHub.
I get it from fdroid. I might follow your advice and get it from github. I thought fdroid follows GitHub
Edit: maybe I will use accrescent instead of fdroid from now on
Revanced extended still works for me as well
Use obtatanium on fdriod, you can pick latest apk that way
Add the newpipe repository to fdroid for faster updates
Or use a fdroid client like droid-ify where the newpipe repository can enabled with just a toggle and not a somewhat difficult to find url
YouTube ReVanced still works phenomenally.
Weird, since yesterday revanced doesn’t seem to work anymore for me so I went back to newpipe.
Sometimes requires a re-patch to the newest APK they support
Mine stopped working yesterday too, it just needs an updated patch version. There is a new version of the revanced manager that I think requires a manual download/update first and then the youtube apk version to apply the patches on is 19.43.41
I tried patching it yesterday, nothing changed but today I got an update on revanced and the suggested youtube version has also changed. After patching with the 19.43.41 version it seems to be working again.
I’m using a fork called pipepipe. It has worked pretty well for me so far and has some extra features including sponsorblock
Newpipe hasn’t stopped working… If it errors, just close the video and refresh your VPN
i don’t understand why people don’t just use revanced and ublock?
I like revanced but it is still the closed source YouTube client and I still don’t know what it is doing. Plus you have to connect a Google account for some actions (like history).
Would you be willing to share what you’re using? Either a response or a DM
My main problem is that freetube perfectly remembers video position, without fail.
YouTube always failsWeird. I don’t have that problem.
Some said it helps adding a tile to ublpfk, it didn’t the only thing that helped was a plugin.
Than again, I could use a chromium browser for it, they seek to work better
I’ve had the same problem, in my case it was that my adblocker was blocking the domains used to track video position, which are mildly tracking-ish in nature.
* *
Pretty sure only is needed. It’s the only domain on my AdAway allow list and it works for me
i’ll do some testing later myself, but that’s good to know. i got those domains from random reddit threads after having had enough of the issue, and i’m pretty sure i tested if either one worked on its own but the memory is so fuzzy i’m just making up false memories. just a minute earlier i was convinced i didn’t actually do any testing.
unfortunately, this rule had little to no impact on youtubes ability to remember video positions
that’s unfortunate. have you also tried removing the *. prefix?
I’ll look into if I have the rule already or not. Thanks
How does Revanced even work.
I mean, newpipe is just download install and it works.
Anyone have a tutorial?
(Also how would Revanced bypass age restricted if you need to sign in before youtube even sends the video over to you? Does Revanced use burner accounts like Aurora store?)
I think revanced uses a modified patch of youtube spoofing premium. I’m able to sign in using my regular account.
I wouldn’t use regular account for any ToS breaking activities. I mean you can get banned.
Sign in using irregular accounts then??
Maybe even reservist accounts!
I don’t like having a google account that has google tracking any video I watch. Also… the recommendations are more addicting and with Tubular (NewPipe fork) and Freetube I just imported my subs and follow them a bit. Never had to deal with the shitty youtube website once. Also, ReVanced still uses the proprietary YouTube apk and I prefer free software on my phone
You’re worried about Google watching what videos you watch, presumably while signed into your Google account on an android phone?
Unless you’re running Graphene that level of abstraction isn’t much in their way.
On LineageOS build with no Google Service, download using Tubular/NewPipe/Seal/etc. Play on VLC. Makes for a better privacy experience.
Lots of trouble to build, but worth it. The lack of spam and other spooky things is telling.
Thanks for giving further info, there are lots of people that want more privacy but are uninformed on the depths of what’s required.
I’m looking at moving to Graphene on my P7P but I don’t have the time to spend migrating my data and losing access to my digital only debit cards among other things.
My server among many other services is running immich for photos, Syncthing + Keepass for passwords but there are many more services I’ll need to spin-up to feel at ease leaving the Google ecosystem.
Even Tailscale I want to migrate to Headscale / Netbird. I’ll eventually get everything where I want it but there are only so many hours in the day, and so much coffee and ritalin I can consume before it’s two sleeps to Christmas.
It’s baffling even with something simple like a DNS ad blocker - the volume of communication from my partners Windows laptop, her iPhone and my Android phone being blocked with no loss of functionality. I don’t want to look at wireshark.
Does revanced come with sponsorblock?
Never got revanced to work on my phone (in spite of reading all the documentation and online advice, doing literally everything that was supposed to make it work short of jail breaking or changing to Graphene) and as for ublock, I use it but I prefer YouTube on a dedicated client to a browser tab since I usually have far too many of the latter open at a time…
Besides, unlike revanced, NewPipe worked perfectly out of the box and it seems like PipePipe still does, so…
have you tried revanced manager? i typically just download revanced manager, pop over to apkmirror and get the recommended version (in this case 19.43.41), downloading the v8 package, going back into revanced manager and clicking storage, selecting the apk, and then letting it run. if you select the custom branding patch you don’t have to uninstall the original youtube.
have you tried revanced manager
Yep. And if I hadn’t, that would be the first advice the documentation would give me lol
typically just download revanced manager, pop over to apkmirror and get the recommended version (in this case 19.43.41), downloading the v8 package, going back into revanced manager and clicking storage, selecting the apk, and then letting it run. if you select the custom branding patch you don’t have to uninstall the original youtube
That’s what I did, but it refused to patch. Tried every possible thing, but it just refused to work.
NewTube, on the other hand, worked perfectly immediately.
Did you make sure to turn on the “GmsCore Support” patch? (I think it used to be called “MicroG Support”.) You have to enable that patch on unrooted devices in order for the app to work.
Yep, did that.
You sure you weren’t downloading the APK bundle? Revanced can’t patch those
Yes, I’m sure.
I’ll just leave this here
I remember revanced stopped working and I ended up getting premium because it wouldn’t work on iPad anyway.
Are there any alternatives now?
Well I’ve been using NewPipe until the above incident and now I’m trying out a fork of it called PipePipe. On my tv, I’m using SmartTube
I haven’t had this issue with newpipe yet but maybe it’s because I’m just watching video game facts and ROM hack videos for games I’ll never play.
I had this happen recently with Freetube and the, very strangely, age restricted new trailer for a Darktide update. Hope the big brains figure out a work around. Even invidious fallback wouldn’t play it.
My most mildly infuriating thing with freetube is that the new player is not aligned with the edges of the video, I reported it initially cause I thought it was a bug
Time to use my old yt account.
I’m surprised more people don’t create fake accounts with fake identities?
Be Goliath Giantman who lives in tinytown, Nebraska. Use the address of a Dominos.
Then Go one step farther. Make a social media profile. Post AI photos of Goliath’s family and dog. Assign him the job you wish you had. Sign him up for ancestry .com and create the family tree you want.
Ok genius idea 💀
I wonder how much effort would be needed for going further?
Create the AI family pictures. You’ll need a bunch of different ones. Profile pics, some bar picks. Throw a wedding in there. And some completely random situations.
Can you make a person, and them propt it to always use the same result for different pictures?Make a resume. You’ll want different jobs in the past probably. Maybe they moved around.
The ancestry idea is brilliant.
Make up a dramatic backstory and post vague updates.
“My daughter’s quinceañera was last week. No photos, after ‘the incident’. Can’t believe it happened again 😭”
“Please verify your identity by adding a phone number.” “Please enter the verification code sent to your phone.”
There’s ways to bypass it. I’ve bought a virtual number.
And if you search for “How to create an account without a phone number” on whatever platform you’re using, you might find a backdoor.
You can buy eSIMs from countries that don’t require your documents.
Where? And wouldn’t it be some expensive plans, as you’d be roaming in a different country?
No, it’s pretty cheap to get a SMS-only eSIM. It’s like 6 dollars per month.