It feels all but certain that I won’t be able to enjoy a prosperous life or get to retire. All of the wealth is going straight to the top. All of the opportunities to move up in the world are being rug-pulled. All of the federal agencies that help keep us safe and healthy are gone. The social safety net is getting flushed down the toilet. We will live in disease and squalor, and the most vulnerable of us will die.

Because I dared to not be a sociopath, I and anyone else who voted for sanity will be deemed enemies of the state and hunted down - which won’t be hard, because it would be trivial to build the most robust surveillance state in human history if it doesn’t exist already.

I myself have disabilities (which I don’t think qualify for benefits) that make it hard, but not impossible, to find a job. The problem is that I just can’t bring myself to do it because I don’t get what the fucking point is anymore. I have to work so hard to get out of this rut just for some fascist fuck to kill me or toss me into a torture facility before I can even experience life on my own.

Have you been in a similar headspace and were able to escape it? If so, what snapped you out of it?

    3 months ago

    I have no answer for you. Really, there is no point. Hopefully enough people give up on the system that it crashes and we can start over.

      3 months ago

      If everybody gives up on the system we fought to build with protections for workers and public goods everyone can use, then starting over will just cause more death and suffering.

          3 months ago
          1. Minimum Wage, Workers Compensation, Unemployment Benefits, Fulltime Employee Benefits, Union Protections, etc

          2. Roads, Hospitals, Schools, Libraries, Water supply, Fuel Reserves, Medicaid, Medicare, etc

          And yeah, we’re going to lose a bunch of shit, because of assholes like you convincing everyone to “give up on it”.

      3 months ago

      100 percent agree. Always fight for pay, not for rhe company trying to pay you less.

    3 months ago

    I have personal goals in life I want to reach and I’m going to do whatever it takes to do so. Try laying out your life goals… What do I want to do 5, 10, 20 years in the future? Then you make a plan to achieve those goals, keeping in mind employment with inevitably be on that path. It can be seen as a means to an end or more depending on how you shape your view.

    Do you want to do a minimum wage job where you feel like you’re a worthless drone, or do you want a more meaningful career that could maybe even turn in to something more? You have the option to pave your own path. If you look at a job as nothing more than wage slavery, then those are the only jobs you are going to find. The companies that pay well and/or offer good benefits are definitely out there and they want people with skills who are motivated and reliable. Everyone has the chance for their big break, but it will never come if you don’t work for it. Also not every place to work is a faceless corporation, there’s a lot of small businesses out there needing talented people too, and those are often the sweetest deals as long as the business owner(s) care to keep their people happy. There’s such a thing as working for a company that you believe in and want to see succeed for a greater reason than bumping up your own paycheck.

    There’s also such a thing as working a job and doing what you like doing at the same time. I work with computers. Do it at work, do it at home too. I enjoy all of it, I lean new stuff every day and I make a good living doing what I consider to be fairly mentally stimulating but also rewarding work. Sure, it is pretty stressful at times, but there’s always a light around the corner.

    I’ve found that things have a way of working out, no matter how shitty things might look. Live your life for you and the ones you love, if you have to grease some corporate palms along the way or do some jobs you don’t necessarily love to get by, that’s just the way of things. The system is just kinda designed to work like that. Are you going to let that stop you? I personally say hell fucking no.

    I see one of the most powerful and defining traits of human beings to be our adaptability. You have the power to handle just about anything the world has to throw at you, whether you realize it or not.

    I’m not sure if you have any kind of faith, but it honestly helps. I’m not a religious person but I’ve found that having faith in myself and in the ones I love the most to be a very rewarding/fulfilling part of my life. I’ve found you have to find your own light in life, no one else will necessarily do that for you. Building a plan for your future and executing it is daunting and there will be adversity, but you can handle it. Balance out the hard/mentally taxing stuff with whatever it is that makes you truly happy.

    The system has failed, but we still have to live within it. There’s a positive though, if we play our cards right and use the system to our advantage to the best of our ability, we will have enough smart and skilled like-minded people down the road and we can band together to beat the system. The next revolution, whatever form it takes, will require all kinds of different talent from many different walks of life.

    3 months ago

    The amounts of copium in this thread are extinction-level.

    Everything you just said is 100% valid and you are simply correct.

    The thing is, it’s not a measure of a healthy mind to thrive in a profoundly sick society where the worst of the worst have won long ago.

    There’s this thing called depressive realism which posits that depressed people, by and large, perceive reality much closer to how it really is than neurotypical people.

    Essentially, “normal” people have an (innate or learned) positivity bias. Which is usuallly a good thing. People like us are the outliers.

    But positivity bias in a world where it’s actually harmful is another thing. The majority of people are walking headlong into their own extinction while going “Ehh, it’s not so bad”, while we should ALL be positively irate and picketing the homes (not companies) of our owner class 24/7.

    But it hasn’t happened yet and at this point I don’t know how bad things need to get before people realize what’s going on.

      3 months ago

      As long as people have something to entertain themselves and something to eat, nothing will change. Even the Ancient Romans knew that: “Two things only the people anxiously desire — bread and circuses.”.

      3 months ago

      Only those that understand a problem even have a chance to solve it. Those who refuse to understand a problem (often for comfort) are not helpful at best, but usually actively harmful.

      The problem of suffering runs far deeper than “Rich vs Poor”. We are all trapped inside constantly decaying bodies that are barely capable of survival. This constant decay leads to almost constant pain even billionaires can not avoid. And then there is our anxious brain worrying about all sorts of things that might or might not happen. Yes, all of this is more bearable inside a villa than inside a tent, but it is still abhorrent. This does not mean the “Rich vs Poor” struggle is not worth while. It is, because there is tremendous preventable suffering within this struggle. This struggle, however, is just a tiny fraction of the problem that is called the human condition.

      To those who seek to understand the problem of suffering, i can recommend this video. It eases you into the horror of being alive.

    3 months ago

    Brother you need some help. The rate of decay is slow and steady and almost imperceptible to a normal lifetime. Finding a job may actually help. Now’s your chance to get in where you fit in. Love games? Get a job at local games store. Like animals? Go apply at a zoo. Find people that you can relate to. Good luck man. You can do it.

    3 months ago

    You are not wrong. It’s a very unfair world we have build. And a lot of people are struggling even though there are plenty of resources to make sure every single person on earth could have their needs met and the opportunity to live a meaningful life.

    BUT we have to dare to hope. Because otherwise we just give up and the people on top is counting on that. ”We have the power and there is nothing you can do about that”. I think David Graeber is one of the most hopeful people to read:

    “Hope is a tricky business among intellectuals and activists. Cynicism, though it’s often inaccurate about both human nature and political possibilities, gives the appearance of sophistication; despair is often seen as sophisticated and worldly-wise while hopefulness is seen as naive, when the opposite is not infrequently true. Hope is risky; you can lose, and you often do, but the records show that if you try, sometimes you win.

    His essay Despair Fatigue opens: “Is it possible to become bored with hopelessness?”

      3 months ago

      I like this sentiment. Hope is also very important in my life. In my darkest times, there was always hope to cling to. It wasn’t always realistic and most of it has failed. Some have succeeded though and I am in a much better place now.

      However, it is important to learn that failure is a good thing. Society has imprinted in most of us that failure is bad. It is not. Failure is a way to learn. Without failure you cannot learn and you cannot grow.

      For this same reason it is perfectly fine for hope to fail. You can learn from that and adjust your hopes and expectations accordingly within the scope of you values.

    3 months ago

    Get offline, and simplify. Start doing things that are good for you. There is yet joy to come.

    3 months ago

    I had a friend who was absolutely determined to never work for anyone else, and so he taught himself how to make wire-wrap jewellery to sell. It’s far from an easy thing to do, as he was incredibly motivated and spent most of his time working on it, but if you really do want too, there are ways that a person can support themselves through their own direct actions.

    And yes, I second others that suggest you really should spend less time on social media.

    3 months ago

    I work because I enjoy healthcare, food, and shelter. The system has always been rigged, so you just have to find something you enjoy (or can tolerate doing). Ideally try to think about things that make you happy and can pay you, and maybe try doing something in that field.

    When I go on vacation to tropical states there are always some overly tanned boat captains that just drive drunk tourists around and get paid decently well for it. I always think about those guys when I’m having a hard day at work, “man, they sure figured it out”

    3 months ago

    I’d say qualitatively and quantitatively, this system is a scam. I get up and deliver by getting myself into interesting shit that matters no matter who’s writing the check (excluding Raytheon or any of those other psycho motherfuckers).

    Energy security is important, particularity environmentally compatible forms.

    Medical services that don’t bankrupt people are important.

    Making processes easier is important even it comes to reducing/eliminating waste.

    Even the seemingly mundane ‘basic research’ has a lot of interesting caveats buried below the surface.

    Find what interests you in this one life you have, do the work to get there, make friends with people who want you to get there (and help them too).

    Good luck, fuck capitalism.

    3 months ago

    It is a scam, but we need to eat and have a roof over our heads. So you have to find something that you can tolerate and try to get paid as much as you can for a little time as you can give. This is the game we are in. Unfortunately in the current system money talks, it is not fair but that is how it is.

    3 months ago

    you unironically just have to cope with it in whatever way makes sense to you

    I personally think of my career as: “some things I do are interesting and keep me from blowing my brains out, the rest I don’t care about”

    when it comes to the company I work for: I treat everyone I meet well, no corporate bs, no yes sir yes ma’am. I do whatever I’m assigned and meet deadlines

    but I never go above and beyond (because of burnout)

    everything you’ve thought about hard work = reward or better pay is a scam

    put everything into work-life balance and when you go home focus on things you really want to do, such as hobbies or hang outs

    don’t do unpaid overtime, don’t bend over for anyone, don’t offer yourself up when shit goes down

    you want to be as invisible as possible while not burning out AND not working your ass off (everyone has different standards for what this means)

    tldr: just find some way to cope because there isn’t really anything else you can do

    3 months ago

    I feel the same. I found a way to leave the country. Will be leaving in the new year. I have kids and I can’t have them growing up here anymore. Time to try something new.