Any kind of game

EDIT: changed from suggested to mentioned and made the title more clear

    4 months ago

    Jade cocoon 2 for the PS2.

    A brilliant mix of tactics and Pokemon. You have a box composed of 8 slots surrounding you, 4 edges of different coolers, and 4 corners that combine 2 colors, you get to pick of 6 monsters to fill those 8 slots, each edge is a different style of move, red is attack, blue is defend, green is heal, yellow is cast, some monsters only have 1 color affiliated with them, some have 3, you select which side/color of box you want to attack your opponent with, if you don’t have a monster in the middle of that color they can attach your hit point pool directly.

    I rarely see it mentioned, and I think that’s a shame, it was very creative for being in a very popular genre