A philosophical project for an open source non-government ID: https://memdeklaro.github.io/
Article: https://medium.com/@memdeklaro/self-declaration-of-identity-memdeklaro-de-identeco-5fd96231da44
There’s no central database, just a self-declaration of your (self-chosen) name, birth date, photo and signature that you print yourself.
Looks similar to the Digitalcourage ID (https://shop.digitalcourage.de/gadgets/lichtbildausweis-mit-selbst-waehlbaren-daten.html) and World Citizen Passport (https://worldcitizengov.org/what-is-the-world-passport/).
It’s bad enough that blockchain weirdos, LLMs, and grifters like Futo have been trying to leverage the term “Open Source” in deceptive ways for one or another ulterior motive. Now sovereign citizen bullshit?
Edit: Oh. This is this user’s only post after joining 2 days ago.