I started to use i3 and I love it so far, and then I tried to enable i3-gaps on i3 but when I tried to enable it I receive this error I don’t understand at all…
ERROR: CONFIG: (in file /home/$USER/.config/i3/config)
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 214: # Gaps
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 215: for_window [class="^.*"] border pixel 2
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 216: gaps inner 10
ERROR: CONFIG: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 217: gaps outer 10
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 218:
ERROR: CONFIG: Expected one of these tokens: <end>, '#', 'set ', 'set ', 'set_from_resource', 'include', 'bindsym', 'bindcode', 'bind', 'bar', 'font', 'mode', 'floating_minimum_size', 'floating_maximum_size', 'floating_modifier', 'default_orientation', 'workspace_layout', 'default_border', 'new_window', 'default_floating_border', 'new_float', 'hide_edge_borders', 'for_window', 'assign', 'no_focus', 'focus_follows_mouse', 'mouse_warping', 'focus_wrapping', 'force_focus_wrapping', 'force_xinerama', 'force-xinerama', 'disable_randr15', 'disable-randr15', 'workspace_auto_back_and_forth', 'fake_outputs', 'fake-outputs', 'force_display_urgency_hint', 'focus_on_window_activation', 'title_align', 'show_marks', 'workspace', 'ipc_socket', 'ipc-socket', 'ipc_kill_timeout', 'restart_state', 'popup_during_fullscreen', 'exec_always', 'exec', 'client.background', 'client.focused_inactive', 'client.focused', 'client.unfocused', 'client.urgent', 'client.placeholder'
ERROR: CONFIG: (in file /home/$USER/.config/i3/config)
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 215: for_window [class="^.*"] border pixel 2
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 216: gaps inner 10
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 217: gaps outer 10
ERROR: CONFIG: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
ERROR: CONFIG: Line 218:
ERROR: FYI: You are using i3 version 4.20.1 (2021-11-03)
According to Debian i3 wiki, you just need to add ‘gaps inner 10’ to your config file to make it work, but I do exactly that and it didn’t work, I receive the same exact message.
Your i3 is too old. Perhaps your distro’s repository has a package called “i3-gaps” which was the former fork that implemented this feature. i3-gaps was merged back into i3 in the meantime.
Since i3 4.22, you can configure window gaps.
In regular i3, that feature was added in version 4.22. You should use the i3-gaps fork on your distro if a package for it is available.
If I’m reading the manual right (I don’t use i3), you’re missing ‘px’ on end of your lines, like so:
gaps inner 10px gaps outer 10px
Its weird that its not consistently needed though, for the workspace and modifying existing gaps in real time, it looks like the postfix ‘px’ isn’t needed.