any piece of advice is welcome

P.S. Thanks to all the people that have taken their time to help me (and not just me, but others as well). It is much appreciated, and, from what I‘ve read, the „cold turkey“ method seems the most appealing to me. I‘ll quit smoking today, on the 7th of November 2024.

    4 months ago

    I’ve been trying to quit for 18 years now. I’ve tried gum, patches, toothpicks, welbutron (or something like that), but this time it’s going a bit better. We switched to cheap disposable vapes (Kadobar was what was near the house) which is totally not ‘quitting’ but when picking a flavor, Pick a bad one. I’ve found I don’t like it, it’s way too sweet and that keeps me from wanting to smoke it too much at a time, but when that need arises (bad meeting, car trouble, bad anxiety) it does deliver nicotine which keeps me from buying a pack.

    As a side effect, I went from spending around $400-450/month on cigarettes, to around $16080/month (my wife went with one she likes, but she’s quit before and I think she could do it anytime).

    Edit: I’m bad a math