I love using Consoomer, as recent as a while ago. This is the perfect term to describe people who spend their every waking minute, feeling like they’ve got to go buy things. It isn’t because they’re buying to survive or sustain. They’re buying just to consoom. Cattle with wallets as I’ve called them.
I also like Coomer, because it makes fun of people who’re obsessed with jacking off and pornography in unhealthy ways.
bork rings a bell for me. from the sweedish chef. my headcanon is when you try to work but totally borked it. the original intention may be different.
sus. suspicious. easier to say and since everybody almost knows it, they can easily catch on. totally not “jesus”.
gg/rip. good game. i find very flexible to use and feels like it’s acceptable in most circumstances to mean “it’s over”.
ooooh, what a politically loaded word. there’s a familiar clarence thomas mention there too.
I catch myself using “GG” in real life all the time, it’s just become part of the local parlance in my gaming group. Usually it comes out as part of “RIP GG”, basically, good try but we’re cooked.
i totally feel you. for close friends / acquaintances:
If it helps, I also use borked and gg in everyday life
Though I guess only because my friend group plays a lot of games so its a very familiar term