I love using Consoomer, as recent as a while ago. This is the perfect term to describe people who spend their every waking minute, feeling like they’ve got to go buy things. It isn’t because they’re buying to survive or sustain. They’re buying just to consoom. Cattle with wallets as I’ve called them.

I also like Coomer, because it makes fun of people who’re obsessed with jacking off and pornography in unhealthy ways.

    • TK420@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Whoosh perfectly describes you. These terms have hateful undertones you seem to not know about.

      Great job!

        • TK420@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          I agree it sucks being out of the loop, so when I looked into it:

          “The sub ConsumeProduct is a front for anti-Semites under the guise of genuine anti-consumerism. Looking through their comments makes that abundantly clear”


          “A coomer is a stereotypical degenerate porn addict. The template is used to critique not only pornography but also “woke” sexual politics in general (such as to mock the idea that sex work is a legitimate profession).

          4chan being 4chan, the sub’s full of shit about how porn is a Jewish plot to destroy the white race or whatever.”

          Sounds like some pretty stupid and hateful shit, but maybe that’s just me?