young republicans
yeah i don’t think it’s for the good reason
Ill worry about whos standing next to me in support once the genocides over. Until then, Id link arms with El Chapo if it meant saving lives.
They are partially correct. They don’t want their tax dollars going towards a war they do not benefit off. Even for selfish reasons there is no argument to send billions to Israel. All the oil money is pocketed by the billionaires, the American public doesn’t receive any of it.
I guess they’re not single issue voters then?
Or Israel is so obviously evil that even half the lead poisoned youth of red areas recognizes it shouldn’t be armed.
Weird how you have to vote third party to actually have any hope of accomplishing that.
Weird that you think voting third party will accomplish that.
Although I’d argue that now is definitely the time to vote third party locally, and independent for senate.
Once the Big Two lose their dominance in those two areas, it will be time to target congress. Then once that’s done and legislative reform is in place, it will be time to target the executive and judiciary.
I said it has the highest chance of accomplishing that. Not that it will without others also breaking out of the duopoly.
Neither main party will ever even pause support for Israel, both candidates have made that clear. Therefore there is no chance of them stopping the genocide or even reducing American involvement. In fact both have eagerly fought over who would aide this genocide more.
Therefore the only possible chance is voting third party or advocate for things against Lemmy’s tos.
Or… take a longer view and follow the strategy I outlined.
The Palestine/Israel situation didn’t just start this election cycle; voting third party isn’t going to fix it, or even help the victims at all — in fact, it will likely harm them. But strategically voting over the next four cycles or so could go a long way to improving not just that issue, but many others.
Yeah that’s cute, you started out correct. Then you used moon logic to assume no one ever did that or thought of doing that.
You people have been advocating that since the parties hyper normalized, guess what, it hasnt worked out.
So no. That’s not a thing that works. Strategic voting, lesser evil ism has resulted in both political parties openly advocating for genocide. It has not worked. It did not work in the Weimar Republic, it did not work in England in response to Hitler, its not worked so far here, and it’s not going to.
I’d be interested to know what sort of “you people” you think I am.
The problem is, the only thing worse than tweaking a strategy that’s never worked in the past and expecting change is choosing a new strategy that logically will never work, by design, and expecting change.
Look at history and tell me what was needed to stop the governments of the most powerful nations from supporting genocide overseas.
Also just to point out, your solution requires 16 years. At the current rate Palestinians will be wiped out of the region by 2026.
Yes; that is the problem.
strategically voting over the next four cycles
The wild thing is that you are being serious, unless we return strategically to its Greek root and create a people’s army to solve the problem
Weird that you think voting third party will accomplish that.
I honestly do. Especially if the Democrats lose, they will learn that genocide costs votes.
Voting third party means being complicit in genocide.
No it doesn’t. Voting Democrat though does.
Liberals/DNC enthusiasts should just stop talking. You are pushing Arab and Muslim voters away and not just for this presidential election. Pouring down insults and dismissiveness doesn’t help your case at all. The rhetoric you are using only works with Liberals who have already decided that Palestinians aren’t people and/or genocide isn’t a deal breaker.
Incorrect, assuming said third party is not advocating for genocide.
Democrats are advocating for genocide and explicitly state they will help so genocide if you vote for them. If you vote for them you are complicit in genocide.
Republicans are advocating for genocide and explicitly state they will help so genocide if you vote for them. If you vote for them you are complicit in genocide.
Therefore the third party that is not advocating for genocide is the only way to not be complicit, besides not paying your taxes and kicking the draft officer in the sick like all military members deserve.
Not voting is a choice. It’s an action. It’s choosing no preference. It’s abdicating responsibility. But it’s your tax dollars that pay for dead Palestinian children, and you won’t bother to say with your vote how those dollars should be used. Disgraceful. You’re killing children.
I’m not advocating for not voting. In fact I encourage everyone to vote. I just cannot physically vote for genocide. It’s not in my blood or bones to do so. There is no excuse, and it is never the lesser evil nor does it reduce harm.
And no, I’m not killing children. I have been responsible for the deaths of children, of course, like you. I voted Obama, in 2012 even after he killed a shitload of childre and then went on to kill even more children.
I’m not doing that again. Never again, infact. If your society requires genocide to function, if your society requires you to advocate for genocide and vote for genocide to function, your society needs to be utterly destroyed in every way possible. It cannot be allowed to continue to exist. It is evil, and it cannot become more evil. It is the worst it can be.
My preference is 1. Claudia de La Cruz, 2. Jill Stein