Another good lesson about why we should trust only FOSS ecosystems

    8 months ago

    moronic, know-nothing-about-how-any-technology actually works, start-up indie game devs

    Quick! Let’s talk about supply-chain risks in modern tooling with app coding on enterprise platforms and the jeering techbros who downplay the risks as some personal attack to their tribe.

    And any talk about moron-pushed software coding that seems to have survived in spite of itself, its techbro wunderkinder coders, best practice, and aggressively-spun critical concern from experienced experts, needs to include a concern about the “we tell ourselves to ignore its construction and lie about its ease of use and speed” vomit called systemd.

    I worry that game coding is by no means the outlier here. And that we are at the edge of a Clue Precipice, about to take a momentous step.