I recently got diagnosed with a condition (sleep apnea) which means I need to use a machine (CPAP) to have a proper sleep, probably for the rest of my life. The doctor wanted me use the device for a few months, and bring the “report” generated by the device to monitor my progress and discuss further treatment.

Sure, a report generated by the machine, it can’t be that complicated? - I thought - Access local server like a printer and download files - I guessed. However, as I consulted to the device distributors in my area… their sales pitch (disregarding the actual medical functions) were:

A) The machine is constantly connected via wi-fi or cellular to manufacturer('s server), and user only has to login to download the report file. User can also install an app for that. How convenient. /s

B) The machine has an SD card slot to which data is copied, but user have to bring its contents to the authorized distributor so they can convert them into a report file. You can send them by email. Wow. /s

Either choices seem like a nightmare to me.

Option A means it’s constantly phoning home. Who knows when it will be hacked? Of course the distributor will happily enter all my private info into the system without any fucking care. Of course they’ll redirect all inquiries to legal department. Of course the goddamn MBA suits were thinking “with this cloud shit we can have medical records for doctors and user data for sales! two birds with one stone baby!” while snorting cocaine up their buttholes.

Option B seems a little better, except that if I were to believe the poor salesman (who’s probably being paid to repeat whatever the training manual said) the contents must be in a proprietary/binary format which needs a specific program to convert it into a pdf or docx file for all I know.

I’m not even mad at this point. At the point of sounding like a cringe gamer youtube channel, I NEVER ASKED FOR THIS. I didn’t choose to have a condition that needs a machine to properly function in society, and for all I know of cybersecurity trends and willful negligence by both private and public institutions worldwide, this will end up badly. I bet healthcare-insurance companies in the US are already salivating at the trove of data.

Anyone on a similar situation like mine? I always felt healthcare institutions were always lagging heavily behind latest tech trends, but this is something that I am now facing personally, too.

Speaking of which, does anyone have more info on the specific situation I am facing? The manufacturers offering Option A is ResMed, while Option B are BMC or Yuwell. I’m about to go for Option B which means “lesser quality” chinese brands, but at least it’s not phoning home. Problem is the “SD card to report” part.

  • breeze@lemdro.idOP
    8 months ago

    Too expensive. There’s an import tax I have to pay if I ordered anything abroad, and the devices price in general are high enough to hurt my wallets even more. Older brands can’t be acquired from stores, and “not supported” if I bought a used one, I was told.