Ads. Subscription serfdom. We don’t own much anymore.
At this point, presently? People acting like they are experts on Marxism without ever delving into Marxist theory
At this point, presently? People
acting like they are experts on Marxism without ever delving into Marxist theoryPeople are alright, in general. I’m not a misanthrope.
Who are the major experts on Marxism currently?
What do you mean? Marxist scholars? The best are members of Communist parties.
The fucking bitches at my work who are so dumb that they don’t even know what they don’t know and too narcissistic to ask, and create unsafe situations for staff and kids which makes teachers quit and destroys any chance for education for students.
US politics. It all just sucks. I’d rather not live in interesting times
I can kinda relate. But I’d rather call them ‘exhausting times.’
This old meme resonated with me back then… and it still does.
Capitalist society
Cars. Need I say more?
Non-YKK zips.
Lawyers and politicians.
The relentless march to the bottom line. The ever worsening quality of products and services, at the same time that sizes are reduced, and prices are raised. The fact that people don’t matter beyond their ability to be squeezed for their last penny.
And ths fact that mosr people don’t seem to care
The car behind me or across the intersection’s headlights blinding me making it hard to see the road and also potentially causing a migraine. Ban them from the streets!