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    1 year ago

    IMHO NixOS, which is what I’m using (full disclosure), is heavily underrated. His subposition was based on an hour of use “a long time ago”, which leads me to believe he doesn’t fully grasp the versatility of NixOS - or rather the “nix package manager”, which is more of a scriptable deployment tool.

    What I can do with a dotfile and a single command equates to many more steps in any other given distros. I can recreate a system simply by running said dotfiles on another install, or indeed convert it to a VM image if I wanted to.

    So it’s like if you took ansible, the aur and added the ability to configure everything from services, packages, filesystems, modules, virtualization, kernel’s, users, from a JSON-like dotfile consisting of booleans, arrays, strings and even functions.

    It is however overtly complex, there’s a disconnect between old nix (“stable”) and new nix (flakes, “unstable”, experimental but mainstream in the NixOS community) and the documentation needs work, which is what has been funded and is being worked on now.

    Thought I’d just chime in, because this guy’s take seems glib, uninformed and dismissive…

    …though I agree in regards to elementary and solus though.