And I’d say it’s a pretty good release! As with all large sets of changes, there are a couple of regressions we’re tracking, particularly around the areas of external monitor brightness and multi-screen performance. They are being actively investigated. Other than those, so far all the issues have been fairly minor, requiring people to jump through various hoops to experience them. We’re still working on fixing them, of course! I’ll be writing up another post soon on these issues, discussing how they snuck into the final release, and what we can learn from the experience. But in the meantime, here’s the Plasma team’s work from this week.

  • Possibly
    2 days ago

    Its been a long time since I used gnome 3 so I can’t really testify to its stability. However, modern gnome is very good about make sure they give the gnome experience. Like it or hate it gnome only ships things they think will be reasonable to use. They also don’t ship anything that is not heavily validated.

    The downside with gnome is that sometimes there is a breakdown between the devs and the users. The devs use it a certain way and assume everyone else does the same. This can lead to missing functionality that almost everyone reenables with extensions.

    Linux as a ecosystem is made by humans at the end of the day and humans are funny about there beliefs. I think a mix of the gnome and KDE style would be great. Cosmic follows the KDE development style as far as I can tell and Xfce4 just doesn’t have a lot of man power.