In the US most students recite “the pledge of allegiance” every morning before school, which is kind of crazy. If you were in charge, what if anything would you replace it with?

    13 days ago

    Something based on the scout oath. “a scout is trustworthy, loyal, honest…” Except based on what an American should be. “An American values the opinions of others, is a safe shot with a gun, does not live with someone without their consent, keeps their property secure, demands due process of the law, uses a lawyer, believes in the jury trail, does not apply cruel punishment, believes there are rights we don’t know reserved to us, and believes in limited government” (you should find each article in the bill of rights above) Of course better wordsmiths than I should rewrite that, and we probably need a lot of debate.

    Note that I never pledge allegiance. As a christian my allegiance is to God and so it would be a lie to pledge allegiance to anything else. Thus making me recite the common pledge is a violation of the first amendment. (this is much clearer if you read the 12 amendments as originally proposed - for better or worse what actually passed isn’t as clear)