everyday you choose a color from a continous spectrum, then these color will be similar but not exactly the same everytime, the real favourite color is somewhere in the middle
the next step is to choose which color is better than the other by starting at the average color, and then performing gradual descent on the RGB color space until you reach the local maxima, which is also probably the global maxima thanks to the first step
What’s your favorite color? Please respond in the form of a peer-reviewed paper.
ok, here’s the experimental process
everyday you choose a color from a continous spectrum, then these color will be similar but not exactly the same everytime, the real favourite color is somewhere in the middle
the next step is to choose which color is better than the other by starting at the average color, and then performing gradual descent on the RGB color space until you reach the local maxima, which is also probably the global maxima thanks to the first step
now I need someone to review this
Please elaborate on how a colour is better than another.
Research says its blue.