The alt social media are a good place to run away from algorithms and explicit mass manipulation from other big tech, be more free, independent, and spread ideas, but I also think that the fediverse is being filling with people with radical political ideologies, some kicked out of traditional social platforms for this same reason. I’m not saying that we can’t have discussions, but I think that many people are making their own echo Chambers in the fediverse.

        3 years ago

        Pedo accusation is too far. He did nothing like the adults that groom kids on Discord, and what he discussed was Romeo Juliet laws. One cannot call him a pedo for that.

        Toe jam eater, yes. What I do not like him for is his ignorant views on the Xinjiang situation.

          3 years ago

          Okay I know people think it’s below the belt very frequently, and I understand the desire to give people reasonable doubt. No one wants these allegations levied on them. So we expect a lot of evidence before such an accusation. I have listened to recordings of Richard talking about pedophilia I will not be able to produce for you here. However if you go to go to the search bar and type in pedophilia go and read his writings. Go and read the redacted reports from the MIT public mailing list.

          Mind you I’m not saying he abused children but he certainly has tried in the past to normalize sexual advances to minors.

          This was a bit out of pocket though I was trying to be edgy. Another thing I would like to say is that pedophiles are not morally bankrupt by virtue of being pedophiles. They are morally at fault when they normalize touching children, they are morally at fault when they assault children.

          Sorry this got a lot darker than it had to.

            3 years ago

            Yeah that is fair. Someday I will dig deeper and read a lot about it, as I have only ever skimmed through a fair share before. I have not been highly interested in him and his history, honestly, and just care about the Free Libre movements for software. I care more about the ideals here.