I have run in to a strange issue where the X and Y axes don’t move to the specified coordinate beyond a certain range.
The steps/unit are calibrated, when i tell an axis to move to position 100mm (using G0 or G1 command manually), it moves to position 100mm, this goes for both X and Y axis…but it seems like it hits a software-stop when i tell it to move beyond 225mm on both of them, which is weird since build plate is 230mmx230mm, and nozzle wipe-pad and Z-offset calibration are located at Y position 240mm-245mm.
The stepper just stops at 225mm even if i tell it to move beyond this point, and if i tell it to move back to 0mm, it positions itself correctly at the starting point. It doesn’t sound like any skipping on the belt or the stepper itself is happening, it’s completely silent but just stops. I can easily move the bed and print-head beyond this point by hand, and i can’t feel any noticeable increased resistance in the movement.
The odd thing is, that this worked just fine a week ago, i haven’t changed anything on the config of the printer. It’s an anycubic Kobra 2 bedslinger.
Maybe some setting to do with the size of the extruder? What happens if you increase the size of your bed?
A FW update had enabled SW end-stops, i just disabled them and now it works.