• Turbofish@lemmy.world
    2 hours ago

    I used to unload trucks in an absolute madhouse.

    The heat in the back of the transparent roofed trailers in summer was a nightmare so some of the lads would strip down to their boxers then pop their boots and high vis back on. We eventually got cameras installed pointing down the trailers and we’re suddenly required to be fully clothed at all times. Our shift lead took particular offense to this and flashed his cock at the camera whilst shouting obscenities. He didn’t come back to work the next day.

    We had 4 guys sacked for not only opening customers parcels but for taking fireworks out of said parcel and taping them to Frisbees which they then threw to each other. One inevitably went off in one fella’s hand. He eventually managed to sue for unfair dismissal somehow.

    Another guy was caught trying to sneak a slab of wine out to his car.

  • Underwaterbob@lemm.ee
    3 hours ago

    Not my workplace exactly, but I used to hang out with this Kiwi who worked as a foreign English teacher in Korea in the same small Korean city as me. The foreigner community was fairly close-knit because there was only 50ish of us.

    We all knew him. Everyone liked him. Fun guy. A little weird sometimes. He never told anyone his last name. The end of his pinkie finger was missing and if you asked him about it, he always said a shark bit it off.

    One vacation about two years into his tenure, he decided to take a trip to Las Vegas. He never came back. I’m not 100% on the details past this point, but what I heard was they stopped him from entering the US because he was wanted in New Zealand on 37 counts of distributing child pornography. He was basically extradited back there and as far as I know went to prison. His trail disappears there.

  • agamemnonymous@sh.itjust.works
    4 hours ago

    Coworker found him on the sex offender registry for messages with some woman trying to arrange a sexual meetup with her daughter. Not even a statutory teenager situation, an actual child. Apparently he had some connections with law enforcement which kept him out of jail.

    Everyone already hated him for general creepiness and being terrible at his job, so there was a degree of vindication in confirming how horrible of a person he was. Still super fucked up.

  • OopsOverbombing@lemmy.world
    4 hours ago

    This is one of my favorite stories. I only observed the events or was told firsthand by those involved. This is a true story.

    Working in a crappy thrift store chain. Coworkers are cool as shit though. Befriend all the ones remotely close to my age. Customers are still terrible though. Especially the ones with the shitty kids that just terrorize the store while they absent-mindedly browse and shop.

    One day this little shit is just running around the store and just making extra work for everybody for no good reason. Opening sealed bags of random toys. Etc.

    After finally having enough of his bullshit, a coworker friend goes over to the kid and tells him, very sternly, he needs to go back to his mom. Little shit runs back and complains to his mom whom happens to be a total bitch; like when I hear the term “Karen” being used, she’s a textbook example of one.

    Karen escalates, fast forward to outside the managers office, there stands Karen, my Friend, Manager and Little Shit.

    While Karen is bitching to the Manager about how “Friend can’t talk to her kid like that” & “he’s not his father,” etc. The Little Shit looks at Friend and with a taunting edge stated: "You’re gonna get fired!" Without missing a beat Friend looks Little Shit in the eye and replies with a simple Fuck You. A 34 year old man saying that to some 10 year old brat? Hilarious. Everybody just fell silent with their jaw on the ground. Karen, Manager and Little Shit all silent for a moment. The rage building in Karen was written all across her face though. When she could finally utter words Manager started with "Friend, go home." “Okay!” He left with a great big smile on his face… he did get fired because of that though. He said it was worth it.

  • zlatiah@lemmy.world
    6 hours ago

    This got me into a way bigger rabbit hole than I remembered… The person is not officially “fired” since you cannot fire a tenured, distinguished professor and a former department head, but I suspect she was persuaded to leave. The incident is quite wild, I was just a random undergrad hired to do lab tests so I only knew some details.

    This is about Dr. Connie Weaver, professor emeritus and former department head at Purdue’s Department of Nutrition Sciences (her ORCiD). She was known for nutrition research where the institution recruits adolescents summer-camp style (similar to a clinical trial), and in 2017 she started to lead a multi-year (lasted one month before it was shut down) study on low-sodium diets in adolescents, Camp DASH. Supposed to be a gold-standard diet study… close to 10 million dollars of NIH money on the line too.

    And then things went off the rail. The operation tried to cut a lot of corners: pretty much all of the employees were undergraduates who couldn’t find other things to do for the summer, training was minimal or nonexistent, and the employees-to-camper ratio was very, very low… oddly similar to the recent MrBeast incident where participation oversight seems to be very bad.

    This then led to sexual harassment, abuse, etc… one poor girl’s nude was shared online, probably more cases of sexual assault, several adolescents got into serious fights with each other, and from what I’ve heard some of the undergrads who were on supervisory roles were also injured. Several lawsuits were filed, the university stepped in and stopped the study (I just remembered them stop scheduling me to work in July and was wondering what went wrong lol), the issue got elevated to the university president, and more lawsuits…

    Obviously tenure means someone should be protected from being terminated at-will like most employment contracts. So the reason I have my suspicion is… Dr. Weaver became a professor emeritus not long after the incident, but is now somehow still publishing work while working from… San Diego State University? Doesn’t seem like someone who retired on their own will to me.

    If you are interested in the full detail… here are some news articles on this incident. Exponent is Purdue’s student-run newspaper

  • BonesOfTheMoon@lemmy.world
    9 hours ago

    It’s health care so obviously we were told that we’d have to be vaccinated against COVID or be fired, like many. Most people went along with it, but the CEO sent out a final warning email to the whole network, and this antivax dingdong somehow managed to reply all to the CEO giving him a patronizing lecture about how COVID wasn’t real, how nobody had died of it, and how he had read several patient charts that proved this, and how the CEO was making a very big mistake, and how he, this clerk, knew science better than the CEO did. He was fired for reading patient charts he didn’t belong in, of course. The email was super patronizing and he claimed to have an M.Sc and that meant he knew better, despite the fact he was working as a clerk, and gave all sorts of false “evidence”.

    Anyway he was fired and reply all to the CEO is disabled.

    • Backlog3231@reddthat.com
      6 hours ago

      Man that was a crazy time. My mom died before the pandemic while she was pretty young (50s, fuck cancer). She was an RN and her BFF was an LPN. The LPN got fired during COVID for not getting the vaccine and it honestly blew my mind that she was that fucking stupid. She was someone I always respected and had all the other vaccines and got the flu shot every year but for some reason she stuck her head in the sand about COVID.

      My mom was a diagnosable germaphobe so I’m pretty confident she would have gotten the vaccine, but seeing the LPN friend not get it, and knowing how conservative and traditionally catholic my mother was, I can never be 100% sure where she would have fallen on that. And I really respected and looked up to my mom. If she lived and thought COVID/the vaccine was fake, I don’t know what I would have done in that situation. Kind of scary, really.

  • RecallMadness@lemmy.nz
    13 hours ago

    Not crazy, just sad.

    Middle of the day, sitting at our desks working. This middle aged guy who was usually happy as Larry gets up and leaves the office leaving his stuff behind. Not a word said. I just assumed he was getting a coffee or something.

    End of the day rolls around, stuff still there. Same thing the next day. Still there the next week.

    People start asking what happened to him, but the agency he was working through kept telling us he’s coming back soon.

    Over a month later, someone packs up his stuff and puts it in the bin. The guy was never coming back, turns out he went left and ended his own life the day he walked out. Never made it home.

    The agency apparently only found out he was dead a few weeks after the incident, then strung us along so they could find a replacement. We terminated their contract and offered the handful of other employees jobs.

  • Notserious@lemmy.world
    15 hours ago

    The bosses favorite guy at my work who got 2 promotions got arrested by the FBI for sextortion of teenagers. It was only shocking to him.

  • Elaine@lemm.ee
    17 hours ago

    Dude brought a sex worker into his fiber splicing trailer and the boat was a-rockin’ when the supervisor came knockin’.

  • anon6789@lemmy.world
    17 hours ago

    We had a new group in from another regional site come for training.

    It turned out the one was actively also a prostitute. She was freely distributing her social media, showing people videos of herself, and asking us where the secluded parts of the campus were so she could do her thing with some of the scientists.

    She didn’t do very much actual work, or at least not what she was supposed to be doing there. I give her credit for seeming to be very proud of her side gig. She seemed to really enjoy it. I think she just eventually stopped coming in after they went back to their own site, so maybe she did find herself a scientist.

    Definitely the wildest person I’ve ever worked with.

  • Rookeh@startrek.website
    18 hours ago

    Not exactly crazy but just mysterious…this was at a software company I worked at many years ago. It was one of the developers in the team adjacent to ours who I worked with occasionally - nice enough person, really friendly and helpful, everyone seemed to get on with them really well and generally seemed like a pretty competent developer. Nothing to suggest any kind of gross misconduct was happening.

    Anyway, we all went off to get lunch one day and came back to an email that this person no longer worked at the company, effective immediately. Never saw them again.

    No idea what went down - but the culture at that place actually became pretty toxic after a while, which led to a few people (including me) quitting - so maybe they dodged a bullet.

    • Maalus@lemmy.world
      14 hours ago

      2% yearly reductions most likely. Some shitty companies fire a small percent of their staff and hire new people - especially when someone has been there long and isn’t irreplaceable.

  • RBWells@lemmy.world
    18 hours ago

    We had an A/P manager who chewed her way through 3 entire staffs before management decided the problem was actually her. Two of them collectively quit in a group on one day! That was the most outrageous I think. How did it take FIFTEEN people quitting because of her management before they fired her?

    Also one manager who came in shitface drunk and swinging when she got fired. That was the most dramatic.

    • shalafi@lemmy.world
      14 hours ago

      Figured this out some time back. Firing a manager is an admission of failure by someone even higher.

      • Delphia@lemmy.world
        8 hours ago

        Not always. Some people change once they get power, I’ve seen 2 supervisors go that way. Awesome co-workers, cunts to work under.

  • ThrowawayPermanente@sh.itjust.works
    19 hours ago

    This guy in the warehouse made a deal with another guy to sell his porn collection. So he brings it in one day in a big cardboard box and leaves it sitting in the coat room with the top open, you could see X-rated stuff just walking by. Someone says something to management and the box gets confiscated, but they don’t know who it belongs to so that’s pretty much the end of it. Until our hero goes and files a complaint about the theft of his property.

  • ShaunaTheDead@fedia.io
    21 hours ago

    Surprisingly this one actually didn’t lead to someone being fired because the person was never found, but when I was a teenager I worked at a local retailer in Canada called Canadian Tire. The manager called everyone into the employee washrooms to show us that someone had scrawled “CT sucks” in human feces – presumably their own – on the inside of a toilet stall.