Looking to get some anecdotal experiences from someone living in a cold climate using a heat pump as their main source of heat.

  • Paragone@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    This place uses a heat-pump for cooling, in the summer, but it uses a furnace for heating.

    It used to reach -20C or colder, here, in the winter…

    it’s rained damn-near every week, this winter…

    since there is sooo much lag, between the climate-forcing adulteration of our atmosphere,

    and the actual climate’s temperature,

    it looks like we’re going to be … needing to find some other planet to be inhabiting, in a century…?

    Based on actual history, this planet’s current equilibrium-temperature is +5C…+6C, not anywhere near the +1.5C delusion people are still believing-in.

    but when one factors-in methane ( & only that one ), that we add, it works-out to +8C…+9C planetary equilibrium… ( using methane’s 20-y equivalent, of 82.5x factor, given the current 1.3ppm to 1.4ppm that we have unnaturally added of methane )

    anyways, here’s the link stating that at this atmospheric CO2 the planetary-equilibrium-temperature is between +5C & +6C, in case anyone is interested:

    Evolution of global temperature over the past two million years https://www.nature.com/articles/nature19798