That shit is always trending and I’m sure they’re not just Koreans putting it up on YouTube. Aside the eye candy (the girls are hot) I don’t see what’s so great about it, the choreography can be impressive, at times, but that’s it.

Voice talent isn’t anything special and the music is so derivative from US pop and even some Latin reggaeton… Like bad copies of those already meh music genres.

Also the industry side of it rubs me the wrong way… Why are the girls like drones of each other, everyone seems like they went to the same plastic surgeries to look facially the same, Korea in general seems OBSESSED with that “doll” look, and btw that goes for the boy bands too. There’s no identity in the members, I don’t see what’s so attractive about those dudes but girls like them wtf? At least the Backstreet Boys looked like different men, Koreans make them look like a bunch of NAVY Seals in comparison lmao

I dunno man, if you are a girl wouldn’t you a dude that, yeah, he’s attractive but also that looks manly? That can physically protect you? And that does not has a doll face?..

Most importantly, the dark side of the industry behind it is horrible, BSB and N’sync had it bad as well but it seems the Koreans have it worse, is like they’re trained to be robots and not artists. I only see a group of trained monkeys. Even when I see an artist that I despise and is a bad role model (Cardi B) i can tell that she is 100 percent HER, authentic, for better and for worse. I don’t see that in those Koreans.

    10 days ago

    You seem really upset about something that shouldn’t affect you in any way.

    The answer is that you’re thinking about this too much. It’s pop music, designed to be fun and catchy, with a hook and a fun dance routine. It’s performed by pretty people who can sing and dance in a manner that is aesthetically and musically entertaining.

    Why do they all look and sound the same? Why does every fast food restaurant have a similar burger and french fry combo? It’s because that’s what sells, and this isn’t art. It’s a product designed to be sold.

    I dunno man, if you are a girl wouldn’t you a dude that, yeah, he’s attractive but also that looks manly? That can physically protect you? And that does not has a doll face?..

    This just comes off as thinly veiled insecurity. There are a lot of people in the world, and attraction is a spectrum. People like what they like, and there’s probably someone out there who likes you for you. You don’t need a doll face, nor do you need to look manly or be physically imposing. Most people don’t need protection in their day to day lives. People want support, companionship, partnership, compatibility, and entertainment. Be fun and loving, and be yourself, and just leave the outdated gender stereotypes behind. You’re not going to be everyone’s cup of tea, nor do you need to be (unless you’re trying to land a job in a KPop band).

    Strong agree on the dark side of the industry. That’s the danger with turning performers themselves into a commodity. It’s bad enough manufacturing commercial music as a product, but turning the talent into a product is dehumanizing in a way that leads to terrifying exploitation.