Nissan Motor Co. said it has developed a new type of paint that significantly reduces the temperature inside vehicles parked in direct sunlight.
The surface of a car coated with the innovative material remains up to 12 degrees cooler than that of a vehicle with standard paint, tests showed.
The company said the coating material can help rein in the temperature rise not only on the car’s body but also in the vehicle when exposed to direct sunlight.
Windshield screens are the low-tech but far more effective method of keeping a car’s interior cooler, typically by at least 20F when it’s really hot out. Slightly inconvenient but unlike this paint, a windshield screen will actually make a difference.
I don’t care about your cage’s interior temperature. Until we can ban cars from cities I’d welcome such paint, because all those shit heaps of cages standing on public space still end up heating up the places around them, further inconveniencing everyone else even more.
Grow up
Do they? I mean yes, because the ICE engines just constantly dump a ton of heat out, but does a parked car? Is there data on that?
Yes, just like “rock / gravel gardens” or whatever you call them in English, which are now banned in a lot of places for one reason being that exact same phenomenon of contributing to the urban heat island effect. They soak up the heat from the sun like a battery and then slowly release it into their environment, keeping it warm. It’s super obvious as a pedestrian.
You realize the emissions saved from reduced AC usage would also reduce the heat island effect, right? Sun visors like this are good for public spaces.
Also, it’s more environmentally friendly to have people use visors than repaint their whole car.
That still does not make me care about your cars interior temperature.
That’s okay, you seem pretty simpleminded so I don’t exactly expect you to understand the issue. I understand the anti-car sentiment but you’ve clearly gone off the deep end yet you still seem to think it matters to other people whether you care about issues like this.
Projecting much? Love the insults btw. Really drives your point forward.
You seem to care a lot. It’s also again projection and highly ironic since you were the one who apparently thought people care about your car’s interior temperature.
I think you’re confusing my care for the issue as me caring for you. It’s too bad you can’t even be bothered to make some of your comment relevant to the discussion.
Mythbusters did an experiment with a black car and a white car hitting in the sun. The black car was 12 degrees Celsius hotter. Claiming that the paint makes no difference is such a weird take. I thought this was common knowledge as well as many people I’ve met avoid darker colours in summer and such.
Summer was hard on me in my teenage goth years.
Can’t really get many light shades of black.
I think i’m in love.
Speaking of huge and inconvenient, if you’re a cheapskate, just get a car cover. Always helped my motorcycle.
I bet the interior of your motorcycle was WAY cooler after that.
It was! Also, the exterior wasn’t too bad, either
What’s the cost (financial and environmental) of repainting a car vs using a windshield visor that’s at least twice as effective at reducing heat? Painting a car with this stuff would cost thousands of dollars compare to $20 for a visor.
I’m not talking about repainting anything, why are you moving the goalposts? Just buy a white car AND use a visor, what’s wrong with that? And in the future, if this stuff is actually good, maybe all cars can come already painted with it?
Wanna know how you’re right? Look at the FLIR photo above and note where the heat is at its highest