First out-loud laugh of the day.
If only. If only self scan was the only way this came up in my life I would be so much happier.
My biggest complaints are the endless prompts from stupid things like donations, the fact that there is no standardization, and that at Walmart in particular, they will have 20 of them and 6 are open.
Or how they prompt you to sign up for a credit card and ask if you want the receipt as a sms.
I wonder if they will get the idea to show you a small video before you can checkout.
Stop that Stop that right now. I don’t need more fuckin ads
What annoys me at Walmart and Target is how the employees are ordered to chat you up in the most phony tone possible as an obvious anti-theft measure.
The one thing self checkouts have going for them is that I don’t have to talk to a person, and they’ve taken even that from me.
“Have you heard about our five-star service?” Look, five-star service at Walmart is when no one talks to me.
I now have a habit of giving as firm NO to anyone who seems like a staff member trying to ‘help’ me at checkout or those kiosks in the bulk type stores.
One of these days I’m going to do that out of habit when I do want help and will feel like an ass. Worth the risk though.
The only time I need actual help is when an item is kept behind lock and key. Otherwise, even when I do need help they’re not very helpful and unable to provide any information that’s not easily accessible from their web site.
“oh my that’s a lot of soda you have there, do you need help scanning it all?”
“No, I was planning to steal it. Can you help me with that?”
Sir, can I see your receipt before you leave. Our corporation thinks you’re a dirtybfucking thief and we can’t be bothered to prove it or look at our own damn receipts so give us yours while we detain you - companies that don’t give two shits