Interpret improvements as you like. For me it’s any large scale reforms or legislative packages designed to improve the country for all or see to the material interests of the majority without overly benefiting the elite.

Any big consumer protection, environmental, infrastructure, or other legislation from Clinton onwards that materially improved the lives of all?

Obamacare and the medicaid expansion comes to my mind. It has obviously improved people’s lives but considering how broken the healthcare system remains, and that it was written by the insurance industry to undermine single-payer, it seems to me a mitigated win at best.

Gay marriage and marijuana legalisation but that was the courts and the states although i’m sure the federal government could’ve stood in the way had they chosen to.

I’ve only live here since the 2010s so that’s all I can think of.

    9 months ago

    Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (2010) - which among other things created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and put in place the Volcker Rule which forbids banks from making certain risky investments with depositors money. To give you an idea of the power of the Volcker Rule, when it went in place banks begged (and got) a 5 year delay to divest for investments that violate the rule. Yeah, banks were playing fast-and-loose with with the money you deposited in your checking and savings accounts for their own gain. The Volcker Rule stopped (most) of that.

    9 months ago

    The border wall. But it should be further reinforced. People can’t just enter the country illegally.

      9 months ago

      Aside from Boats, Tunnels, Ladders, Airplanes, Ropes or any of the large gaps where it’s not feasible to build a wall on. It’s more useful as a grift to pay Republican donors in the form of bloated contracts than it is effective at stopping people from crossing the border.

        9 months ago

        I actually want to be educated here, because my stance is that there should be a road to cheap and speedy citizenship, and that immigrants should assimilate into the system.

        My gut says that seeking asylum isn’t paying for someone to smuggle you over the boarder. It would require you going through an actual boarder checkpoint where you would do the paperwork to enter the country as a refugee.

        I know Republicans are assholes who have been obstructing that, but my gut tells me there is the legal way of entering the country and the illegal one.

        Hiding in the back of a pickup truck and buying a fake Juan Martinez social security card doesn’t feel like asylum seeking, it feels illegal.

        For context, I invoke the fake Juan Martinez social security card because when I worked at the Arizona Department of Education, there were at least 3000 Juan Martinezes with the same social security number attending Arizona public education, which I thought was HORRIBLE and extremely dehumanizing to those children, and it wasn’t the US government that did that. It was the coyotes and parents illegally immigrating that did that.

          9 months ago

          A large part of this is being driven by illegal trafficking operations that recruit desperate families looking to give their families a safer life. Republicans have chosen to demonize both the families as well as the traffickers. It must suck living a life incapable of empathy for others less fortunate.

          Anyways, this is actually a pretty good read on it, despite it coming from CNN:

        • Hegar@kbin.socialOP
          9 months ago

          I would say that the legitimate process of seeking opportunities has been intentionally made to look illegal by waves of xenophobic policy from both Rs and Ds who have created an immigration system that’s designed to generate workers without a legal foothold. If there was a functional way for people to seek the life they want, they wouldn’t need to resort to fake IDs and hiding in trucks to get a job. But then industries would have to pay them legal wages.

          A lot of people want to create a distinction between someone who’s fleeing full-blown war or starvation vs someone who’s fleeing poverty. I can’t see how it is a crime to flee either. It is just a reality that humans will try to escape suffering, monumental suffering and everyday suffering - legislation and bureaucracy can accomodate or ignore that but it won’t change it. So when we ignore it, we know that the black market will step in.

          More broadly it suits the needs of capital to restrict the flow of labour as much as possible. Labour free to seek the best conditions means upward pressure on wages, lower margins and less leverage for capital.

    9 months ago

    I’m hoping that the repeal of Roe vs Wade seals the fate of the republican party. With continued legal action against gerrymandered states, a solidified stance against women’s reproductive rights, along with the overt racism I’m optimisticly hoping to see a functional dissolvement of the republican party in it’s current form by 2028. The pessimistic side of me is worried about strategic division of the democrats “not wanting Biden” or other short sighted horeshit driving us straight into a hate filled fascist government we can never recover from.

  • Dark
    9 months ago

    The Infrastructure Bill, the CHIPS Act, and the Inflation Reduction Act are huge examples from the Biden presidency.

    From those we’re getting tons of bridges fixed, Internet upgrades, public transit improvements, research funded for climate change (including locally, Akron received finding for researching alternative polymers that don’t rely on oil), domestic security improvements from domestic chip manufacturing, port and airport upgrades, funding to increase the size of EV charging networks, power grid upgrades to help with all of that, labor got a huge boon as all of these bills encourage or require domestic manufacturing, medicare drug negotiation, we’re replacing ALL the lead pipes in public water supply lines, more fixes to tax cheats from corporations and rich people, and funds to cleanup superfund sites.

    People really don’t realize how much Biden has gotten done; especially when compared to other recent presidents … like Mr. Build A Wall.

    The affordable care act while controversial was also very big as you said.

    9 months ago

    The inflation reduction act is probably the most significant piece of climate change policy in American history and is expected to bring emissions to a little under half 2005 levels.

    Also, I think it capped insulin prices at $35 a month? That was the hope anyway.

      9 months ago

      I’ll be paying 380 ish bucks for insulin this coming month, only using my “good, professional job” type insurance to cover some of the cost. It’s around 200/mo. Cheaper to buy from Walmart directly without insurance than it is to process it through it at my required pharmacy. I don’t know if the insulin caps have taken effect, or if I don’t qualify, all I know is I’m getting screwed because I’m alive and want to stay that way.

      The rest of the policy seems cool, but won’t be if it pans out like the insulin crap.

        9 months ago

        Goddamn, America you never cease to find new ways to disappoint me.

        It seems to vary state by state, though also for anyone on medicaid/medicare. You might be screwed by that professional job insurance!

        I dunno if it helps but some googling took me to this diabetes resource Which seemed pretty good. Might be worth checking as this seems like stuff you have to look into vs having it happen automatically because why not screw us one more time?

          9 months ago

          Americans just won’t help them goddamn selves. The same people who piss and moan about socialized medicine are chapping at the bit to install the orange shitbag as a dictator. These people are dead set on being rotten to the core.