For example workplace harrasment by women towards males like touching or groping being ignored because the victim is male but if it where to happen to a woman by a male the male would be fired
For example workplace harrasment by women towards males like touching or groping being ignored because the victim is male but if it where to happen to a woman by a male the male would be fired
Nope. Fair is fair no matter how you feel about it.
OP asked a question.
All men are required to be sufficient to do this on our own. If he isn’t he is discarded. We should also discard women for the same reasons. Fuck that double standard.
Taking a shit is a pretty important part of life as a mammal, but you’re expected to shut the fucking door while you’re on the can.
Yeah, this reads like, “I suck at this skill, so this skill must be useless and the people who do use it are wrong.”