I’m aware of how big the android world is, but here goes:

I am gonna be in the market for two devices - a tablet and something like a phablet size. It’s NOT going to be used as a phone, I just see that some of the older Galaxy Note models looks like perfect size for this.

So what I need is something that I will be able to root, degoogle, or even fully replace rom like with /e or lineage. That’s the first preference. Beyond that, I am looking for the tablet to be something in the area of 10” give or take an inch. That general range. And for the smaller unit something like the galaxy note 3 looks really great in terms of size and shape.

My priorities are as follows: first and foremost, affordability. I do NOT by any means need latest greatest. It can be a few years old. I would LIKE at least full HD display, higher would be nice. My phone - which isn’t being replaced just yet - is an iPhone 13 Pro Max, so you can get a sense of display luxury I’m coming from. Not that I need that excess but nothing too poor.

I just want them to run smoothly and not choke the way some very old or not the best brand devices have done in my experience. I think probably only because of the sheer ubiquity and availability in the second-hand market, I’ll probably want a Galaxy Tab and Note - but, that being said, I know there are plenty of good brands out there and I’m not at all opposed to something else. I have dealt with Samsung for decades and what I came to discover long ago is most of their stuff is really really good, except I’ve yet to encounter a single product of theirs that doesn’t have at least one glaring and irritating flaw. I could separately tell y’all about the dozens of examples across the gamut of their product lines, but that’s a separate discussion.

So, back to my immediate needs…. A tablet and a smaller tab-like device. Affordable, customizable via either root or ungoogle or full custom rom. Good solid specs vis-à-vis cpu and display. But it doesn’t need to be cutting edge, it can very well be a few years old, like even 2020 or so.

Combined I really don’t want to pay more than a few hundred, and I see tons and tons of these devices on eBay so it’s just a matter of narrowing down what I would choose.

For any of you still with me, I sincerely appreciate any insight and suggestions you can offer and, if any more clarification is needed, by all means let me know.

Eventually I want to get off Apple’s domineering, possessive ecosystem. I’ve been very happy with the performance of every Apple device I’ve had, but I’m just sick of them screwing with everything at their whim and us not having a fucking choice. The iPad icon layout debacle was the last straw. It is a travesty and such a sick abuse of their own anal attitude. So… yeah, I hope I can get some advice.

Thanks so much.