Numerous Project 2025 groups have claimed over the years that abortion is comparable to or even worse than the Holocaust. Those partners have called abortion the “American Holocaust”; said that “someday, abortion will be viewed historically as a modern-day Holocaust, maybe even worse”; and claimed that “America’s holocaust against the unborn makes Hitler’s holocaust pale in comparison.”

Project 2025 is an extreme right-wing initiative headed by The Heritage Foundation that’s been crafting policy proposals and recruiting personnel for the next conservative administration. The project’s proposals include extreme rollbacks to reproductive rights, including access to surrogacy, IVF, mifepristone, and contraception.

The initiative is closely tied to former President Donald Trump and running mate JD Vance, who wrote the foreword for Project 2025 architect Kevin Roberts’ book.

The project has over 100 partner groups, including organizations that have continued to signal that they want to criminalize abortion. Media Matters recently documented that numerous Project 2025 groups have also pushed the false claim that abortions are never medically necessary.

Numerous Project 2025 partner groups have spent years claiming that abortion is comparable to or even worse than the Holocaust. Here is a look at those claims, which were made both before and after the formation of Project 2025.

    27 days ago

    So they support widespread access to free birth control and contraception resources, especially to disadvantaged women everywhere, right? Because if your problem is the killing wouldn’t you want to do everything in our power to prevent it, including preventing pregnancy in the first place those who might be tempted to try and harm their unborn child? Why wouldn’t you fight the same battle through compassion instead of oppression?

    Alas, these same organizations also seem to be against contraception, and that’s where you can see their true colors. They don’t want to prevent abortions. They want to control women.