Probably better to post in the github issue rather than replying here.
seems trivial to check for a login/subscribed etc. then increment up//down votes. why link each vote to an account in public? maybe for mods an account(s) to be banned for botting votes?
I have continuous doubts if a grandiose tankie with nick after Jean-Jacques Dessalines can exhibit any grown up behaviour. It’s like 15 year old pretending for a while to be all democratic and responsible but who knows what’s in that edgy head.
Still, undoubtedly it will be a fun ride whatever happens
Make it optional and opt-in.
If a website could be sure none of their users are malicious/bots and all of the users are perfectly rational and virtuous then public or private voting wouldn’t matter either way. That being nearly impossible, why not a reputation based system like Stack Exchange? Only when an account meets certain requirements they can vote.
To boot, on the website one can actually vote -1, …, +3.
- +3: “Spotlight comments are of such high quality and substantive value that they clearly stand out above the rest”
- +2: “Informative and interesting comments that are a useful addition to the discussion in an on-topic thread or the information in the article”
- +1: “Nice on-topic responses with knowledge that is common knowledge”
- +0: “Comments that do not contain a relevant contribution, but are posted with good intentions”
- -1: “Flamebaits, trolls, misplaced jokes, unnecessarily hurtful comments and other comments that violate our terms and conditions or house rules”
I think it should stay private
Go a step further,
Make it mandatory to comment if you vote.
!I don’t really mean this, but could you imagine?!<
I really don’t care about what any of you think, so go for it. Perhaps better discussion will come from it. And I’d like to block users with consistent negative behaviours.
Fuck yea lets go, then the petty people involved in discussions can see I’m not even bothering to down vote their idiocy.
My posts and comments are already exposed, so it seems like it would make sense to make votes public as well. I think it contributes to the general spirit of the platform.
Yes. The act of voting a comment up or down shouldn’t be much different to hitting reply to that comment.
Upvote/downvote systems do exist to overcome those “+1” “-1” posts on old forums. You are not voting for the legislative elections. You are just interacting with another person comment/post in a way that does not require writing. If post comments, are not anonymous, upvotes/downvotes shouldn’t be anonymous as well.
Not everyone has a github account and can comment or vote there.
But, agree. Don’t think any good will come from making votes public. Any pro/con should be measured against who it benefits. If it’s mods or devs, there are always alternatives
If it’s end-users, consider the edge-cases and the repercussions of malicious actors having access to those individual preferences.
This would probably escalate a lot of arguments that break out in comment sections.
They simply want to police it better to suit their agenda
I support this.
Me too.
Do you think it’s a reaction to Twitter (X) making likes private?
I wonder if they’re aware, actually. From the linked issue:
Also noteworthy is that reddit and lemmy are unique in keeping vote privacy: mastodon, twitter, and most other platforms expose them.
What voting system on Twitter is he talking about?