Obviously in your opinion, which role videogame style is the best? Why you don’t like the alternative? How does this affects LeBron’s legacy?
Obviously in your opinion, which role videogame style is the best? Why you don’t like the alternative? How does this affects LeBron’s legacy?
My main issue with games as a whole currently is that they often don’t respect my time. J-RPGs are probably the worst genre for that with the expectation of grinding being baked in. Take persona 5, I loved the style and the characters were engaging but the gameplay was very repetitive and grindy. I didn’t feel like I was making progress. After I beat the first dungeon I felt like I’d seen everything the game had to offer and turned it off.
I enjoy western RPGs more because they often (not always) respect my time better. I replayed Dragon age Inquisition recently and that game was right on the borderline of not respecting my time. I played it way closer to release and burned out by spending 40 hours in the starting area doing fetch quests. On this play through I focused on the story and only did side quests I found interesting. It was much better but still right on the limit of wasting my time for a decent chunk of it’s runtime.