In my field of work, it is common to add endnotes such as “avoid printing this mail. Save paper” or “this mail was sent at a time convenient to me. Please respond only during your work hours”.

I wanted to use this to encourage adoption of libre software. But I am not sure if this is a good way to do it.

Here are some options that I was thinking:

  1. Libre software is sustainable software.
  2. Make computing sustainable, use libre software.
  3. Make computing free and safer with libre software.
  4. The email sender pledges to use libre software where possible. Join the cause and help.

I have put the hyper-link for FSF in the first instance of Libre as an example. I am considering using GNU or other websites based on your suggestions.

What do you think?

    1 month ago

    I dunno what’s most appropriate for email, but I often joke:

    Isn’t open source kinda like a cult?

    It’s a not a cult I swear! Just switch to free software, and free yourself!

    I’ve also heard my friend say something along the lines of:

    Free software, free culture, free people

    Or maybe it was free world or free trade? I can’t remember.

    Although, for slogans like this, I might go with something that has more of an immediate effect, like shilling an adblocker.

    • Install uBlock Origin. Blocking ads is one of the easiest ways to increase your security.
    • Install uBlock Origin. It blocks more than just ads, but also tracker scripts that follow you around the net and collect your data.

    Or the ever so simple:

    • Free software means free as in freedom — not as in beer.

    Anyway, I partially agree with the other poster, but I think a one sentence quip at the end of an email is unobtrusive enough that it gets a pass. Of course, it depends on your specific workplace and how strict they are, but I would assume most workplaces have a little space for humanity.