James Cook University researchers have achieved a significant breakthrough that allows them to convert microplastics to a highly valuable material. The study is published in the journal Small Science.
So. Is there a good way to isolate and harvest microplastics from …anything? Because the problem with microplastics is that they are practically everywhere by now and you’d probably like to get them our from everywhere.
they are everywhere, but you could probably get them out of SOME stuff, some point in the ecosystem you could use as a removal vector, so when they hit that point in the plastic cycle, they can be cleaned up. like how we mostly control mosquito populations by going after stagnant water.
So. Is there a good way to isolate and harvest microplastics from …anything? Because the problem with microplastics is that they are practically everywhere by now and you’d probably like to get them our from everywhere.
I’ve been doing my part and trying real hard to get em out of my balls.
they are everywhere, but you could probably get them out of SOME stuff, some point in the ecosystem you could use as a removal vector, so when they hit that point in the plastic cycle, they can be cleaned up. like how we mostly control mosquito populations by going after stagnant water.