I’m new to Linux; I fled from Windows in the wake of 10-11 ever-accelerating stream of bullshit.

Anyway, I have major muscle memory for MRU window and tab switching. I use it all the time to switch windows, switch browser tabs, and switch IDE tabs. In Windows, I could also switch Terminal tabs in MRU order, and I miss this in Linux. My distro (Mint) comes with gnome-terminal, which as far as I can tell doesn’t expose MRU switching as an option.

Is there an alternative terminal that does support this? Alternatively, if you use MRU switching in other contexts but not in your terminal, what do you use instead?

  • Zavorra@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Not sure about the specific requirement but here you can find a list of “modern” terminal emulators to look at
